
[graft, grahft] /græft, grɑft/
  1. a bud, shoot, or scion of a plant inserted in a groove, slit, or the like in a stem or stock of another plant in which it continues to grow.
  2. the plant resulting from such an operation; the united stock and scion.
  3. the place where the scion is inserted.
Surgery. a portion of living tissue surgically transplanted from one part of an individual to another, or from one individual to another, for its adhesion and growth.
an act of grafting.
verb (used with object)
to insert (a graft) into a tree or other plant; insert a scion of (one plant) into another plant.
to cause (a plant) to reproduce through grafting.
Surgery. to transplant (a portion of living tissue, as of skin or bone) as a graft.
to attach as if by grafting:
an absurdity grafted onto an otherwise coherent body of thought.
Nautical. to cover (a rope) with a weaving of rope yarn.
verb (used without object)
to insert scions from one plant into another.
to become grafted.
Origin of graft1
1350-1400; earlier graff, Middle English graffe, craffe < Old French graife, greffe, graffe < Late Latin graphium hunting knife (Latin: stylus) < Greek grapheion, derivative of gráphein to write; so called from the resemblance of the point of a (cleft) graft to a stylus
Related forms
grafter, noun
10. implant, transplant, plant, join, adhere.


[graft, grahft] /græft, grɑft/
the acquisition of money, gain, or advantage by dishonest, unfair, or illegal means, especially through the abuse of one's position or influence in politics, business, etc.
a particular instance, method, or means of thus acquiring gain or advantage.
the gain or advantage acquired.
British Slang. work; labor.
verb (used with object)
to obtain by graft.
verb (used without object)
to practice graft.
1855-60; perhaps special use of graft1
Related forms
grafter, noun
Examples from the web for graft
  • Using one's public position for financial gain seems to be the very definition of graft.
  • Worries have also grown that graft is scaring away foreign businesses.
  • Murder and explosions interweave with car races and graft.
  • By boycotting parliament, it closed most of the winter session, until it won the inquiry into graft that it had demanded.
  • Now a Tufts biology professor is grafting the branches to tree roots .
  • India activist wins anti-graft bill demands, ends hunger strike.
  • When you loose kidney function and are put on haemodialysis, your graft gets punctured 3 times per week with 2 needles.
  • Pray God the plants thou graft'st may never grow.
  • It was so strange, he says, it could be explained only by judicial graft.
  • To train orchards—to graft the trees—to gather apples in the fall.
British Dictionary definitions for graft


  1. a piece of plant tissue (the scion), normally a stem, that is made to unite with an established plant (the stock), which supports and nourishes it
  2. the plant resulting from the union of scion and stock
  3. the point of union between the scion and the stock
(surgery) a piece of tissue or an organ transplanted from a donor or from the patient's own body to an area of the body in need of the tissue
the act of joining one thing to another by or as if by grafting
  1. to induce (a plant or part of a plant) to unite with another part or (of a plant or part of a plant) to unite in this way
  2. to produce (fruit, flowers, etc) by this means or (of fruit, flowers, etc) to grow by this means
to transplant (tissue) or (of tissue) to be transplanted
to attach or incorporate or become attached or incorporated: to graft a happy ending onto a sad tale
Derived Forms
grafter, noun
grafting, noun
Word Origin
C15: from Old French graffe, from Medieval Latin graphium, from Latin: stylus, from Greek grapheion, from graphein to write


work (esp in the phrase hard graft)
  1. the acquisition of money, power, etc, by dishonest or unfair means, esp by taking advantage of a position of trust
  2. something gained in this way, such as profit from government business
  3. a payment made to a person profiting by such a practice
(intransitive) to work
to acquire by or practise graft
Derived Forms
grafter, noun
Word Origin
C19: of uncertain origin
Word Origin and History for graft

"shoot inserted into another plant," late 15c. alteration of Middle English graff (late 14c.), from Old French graife "grafting knife, carving tool, stylus," from Latin graphium "stylus," from Greek grapheion "stylus," from graphein "to write" (see -graphy). So called probably on resemblance of a stylus to the pencil-shaped shoots used in grafting. The terminal -t- in the English word is not explained. Surgical sense is from 1871.

"corruption," 1865, perhaps 1859, American English, perhaps from graft (1) via British slang sense of "one's occupation" (1853), which seems to be from the word's original sense of "digging" (see graft (n.1)).


late 15c., from graft (n.1). Related: Grafted; grafting.

graft in Medicine

graft 1 (grāft)
v. graft·ed, graft·ing, grafts
To transplant or implant tissue surgically into a body part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect. n.

  1. Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a body part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.

  2. The procedure of implanting or transplanting such material.

  3. The configuration or condition resulting from such a procedure.

graft in Science

  1. A shoot or bud of one plant that is inserted into or joined to the stem, branch, or root of another plant so that the two grow together as a single plant. Grafts are used to strengthen or repair plants, create dwarf trees, produce seedless fruit, and increase fruit yields without requiring plants to mature from seeds.

  2. A piece of body tissue that is surgically removed and then transplanted or implanted to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect. See also allograft, autograft.and xenograft.

  1. To join a graft to another plant.

  2. To transplant or implant a graft.

graft in Culture

graft definition

In politics, the illegal acceptance of bribes by government officials.

Slang definitions & phrases for graft


  1. One's occupation; game, racket (1853+ British)
  2. The acquisition of money by dishonest means, esp by bribery for political favors: the usual charges of graft at City Hall (1865+)

[origin unknown; an 1883 source connects the two senses: Graft. To work. Grafting. Helping another to steal]

graft in the Bible

the process of inoculating fruit-trees (Rom. 11:17-24). It is peculiarly appropriate to olive-trees. The union thus of branches to a stem is used to illustrate the union of true believers to the true Church.