
a combining form denoting a process or form of drawing, writing, representing, recording, describing, etc., or an art or science concerned with such a process:
biography; choreography; geography; orthography; photography.
< Greek -graphia. See -graph, -y3
British Dictionary definitions for -graphy


combining form
indicating a form or process of writing, representing, etc: calligraphy, photography
indicating an art or descriptive science: choreography, oceanography
Word Origin
via Latin from Greek -graphia, from graphein to write
Word Origin and History for -graphy

word-forming element meaning "process of writing or recording" or "a writing, recording, or description," from French or German -graphie, from Greek -graphia "description of," from graphein "write, express by written characters," earlier "to draw, represent by lines drawn," originally "to scrape, scratch" (on clay tablets with a stylus), from PIE root *gerbh- "to scratch, carve" (see carve). In modern use, especially in forming names of descriptive sciences.

-graphy in Medicine

-graphy suff.

  1. A writing or representation produced in a specified manner or by a specified process: tomography.

  2. A writing about or a representation of a specified thing: ophthalmography.