
[kawr, kohr] /kɔr, koʊr/
the central part of a fleshy fruit, containing the seeds.
the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.
Also called magnetic core. Electricity. the piece of iron, bundle of iron wires, or other ferrous material forming the central or inner portion in an electromagnet, induction coil, transformer, or the like.
(in mining, geology, etc.) a cylindrical sample of earth, mineral, or rock extracted from the ground by means of a corer so that the strata are undisturbed in the sample.
the inside wood of a tree.
Anthropology. a lump of stone, as flint, from which prehistoric humans struck flakes in order to make tools.
Compare flake tool.
  1. a thickness of wood forming a base for a veneer.
  2. a wooden construction, as in a door, forming a backing for veneers.
Engineering, kern2 .
  1. a thickness of base metal beneath a cladding.
  2. the softer interior of a piece of casehardened metal.
  3. a specially formed refractory object inserted into a mold to produce cavities or depressions in the casting that cannot be readily formed on the pattern.
Geology. the central portion of the earth, having a radius of about 2100 miles (3379 km) and believed to be composed mainly of iron and nickel in a molten state.
Compare crust (def 6), mantle (def 3).
Also called reactor core. Physics. the region in a reactor that contains its fissionable material.
  1. Also called magnetic core. a small ring or loop of ferromagnetic material with two states of polarization that can be changed by changing the direction of the current applied in wires wound around the ring, used to store one bit of information or to perform switching or logical functions.
  2. Also called main memory, RAM. a term used to refer to main memory, though no longer made from from coils of ferromagnetic material.
Ropemaking. heart (def 16).
Phonetics. the final segment of a syllable beginning with the vowel and including any following consonants; the nucleus plus the coda.
Compare onset (def 3).
the muscles of the torso, which provide support for the spine and pelvis:
Building a strong core can help with posture and flexibility and can prevent back injury.
verb (used with object), cored, coring.
to remove the core of (fruit).
to cut from the central part.
to remove (a cylindrical sample) from the interior, as of the earth or a tree trunk:
to core the ocean bottom.
to form a cavity in (a molded object) by placing a core, as of sand, in the mold before pouring.
1275-1325; 1945-50 for def 11; Middle English; origin uncertain; perhaps < Old French cors body < Latin corpus
Related forms
coreless, adjective
2. essence, heart, gist, center.


[kawr, kohr] /kɔr, koʊr/
noun, Chiefly Scot.
a small company or group of people, especially a gang of miners or a small corps of workers.
1150-1200; Middle English chor(e) dance, company of dancers or singers. See chorus


[kawr-ee, kohr-ee] /ˈkɔr i, ˈkoʊr i/
Classical Mythology, Kore.


[kawr, kohr] /kɔr, koʊr/
Congress of Racial Equality.
Also, C.O.R.E.


a combining form extracted from hard-core and used especially to form words that name a rebellious, antimainstream lifestyle, social movement, type of music, etc.: emocore; queercore.
Examples from the web for core
  • Each cladding has a refractive index lower than that of the core.
  • The tower is composed of three elements arranged around a central core.
British Dictionary definitions for core


the central part of certain fleshy fruits, such as the apple or pear, consisting of the seeds and supporting parts
  1. the central, innermost, or most essential part of something: the core of the argument
  2. (as modifier): the core meaning
a piece of magnetic material, such as soft iron, placed inside the windings of an electromagnet or transformer to intensify and direct the magnetic field
(geology) the central part of the earth, beneath the mantle, consisting mainly of iron and nickel, which has an inner solid part surrounded by an outer liquid part
a cylindrical sample of rock, soil, etc, obtained by the use of a hollow drill
shaped body of material (in metal casting usually of sand) supported inside a mould to form a cavity of predetermined shape in the finished casting
(physics) the region of a nuclear reactor in which the reaction takes place
a layer of wood serving as a backing for a veneer
  1. one of several processing units working in parallel in a computer
  2. a ferrite ring formerly used in a computer memory to store one bit of information
  3. short for core store
  4. (as modifier): core memory
(archaeol) a lump of stone or flint from which flakes or blades have been removed
(physics) the nucleus together with all complete electron shells of an atom
(transitive) to remove the core from (fruit)
Derived Forms
coreless, adjective
Word Origin
C14: of uncertain origin


noun acronym (in the US)
Congress of Racial Equality


combining form
indicating a type of popular music: dancecore
combining form
indicating the number of processing units working in parallel in a computer: dual-core
Word Origin and History for core

late 14c., probably from Old French coeur "core of fruit, heart of lettuce," literally "heart," from Latin cor "heart," from PIE root *kerd- "heart" (see heart). Nuclear reactor sense is from 1949.


mid-15c., from core (n.). Related: Cored; coring.

core in Medicine

core (kôr)

  1. The central or innermost part.

  2. The part of a nuclear reactor where fission occurs.

core in Science
  1. The central or innermost portion of the Earth, lying below the mantle and probably consisting of iron and nickel. It is divided into a liquid outer core, which begins at a depth of 2,898 km (1,800 mi), and a solid inner core, which begins at a depth of 4,983 km (3,090 mi).

  2. A piece of magnetizable material, such as a rod of soft iron, that is placed inside an electrical coil or transformer to intensify and provide a path for the magnetic field produced by the current running through the wire windings.

  3. The central part of a nuclear reactor where atomic fission occurs. The core contains the fuel, the coolant, and the moderator.

  4. A long, cylindrical sample of soil, rock, or ice collected with a drill to study the strata of material that are not visible from the surface.

  5. A stone from which one or more flakes have been removed, serving as a tool in itself or as a source of flakes from which other tools could be fashioned. Stones used as cores include flint, chert, and obsidian. See more at core tool.

core in Culture

core definition

In geology, the central region of the Earth; it extends fourteen hundred to eighteen hundred miles from the Earth's center.

Note: The core is made primarily of iron and nickel and has two parts — an inner solid core and an outer liquid core.
Note: The mantle is the layer of the Earth that overlies the core.
Slang definitions & phrases for core


Related Terms

hard-core, soft-core

core in Technology

1. Main memory or RAM. This term dates from the days of ferrite core memory and, like the technology, is now archaic.
Some derived idioms outlived the hardware: for example, "in core" (meaning paged in), core dump, "core image", "core file". Some varieties of Commonwealth hackish prefer store.
[Jargon File]
2. An integrated circuit design, usually for a microprocessor, which includes only the CPU and which is intended to be incorporated on a chiip with other circuits such as cache, memory management unit, I/O ports and timers. The trend in 2009 is to have multiple cores per chip.
The ARM6, ARM7 and ARM8 are early examples, the Intel Core i9 more recent.
3. A varient on kernel as used to describe features built into a language as opposed to those provided by libraries.
Related Abbreviations for core


Congress of Racial Equality
Idioms and Phrases with core
