
[wawrm] /wɔrm/
adjective, warmer, warmest.
having or giving out a moderate degree of heat, as perceived by the senses:
a warm bath.
of or at a moderately high temperature; characterized by comparatively high temperature:
a warm oven; a warm climate; a warm summer.
having a sensation of bodily heat:
to be warm from fast walking.
conserving or maintaining warmth or heat:
warm clothes.
(of colors) suggestive of warmth; inclining toward red or orange rather than toward green or blue.
characterized by or showing lively feelings, passions, emotions, sympathies, etc.:
a warm heart; warm interest.
strongly attached; intimate:
warm friends.
cordial or hearty:
a warm welcome.
heated, irritated, or angry:
to become warm when contradicted.
animated, lively, brisk, or vigorous:
a warm debate.
strong or fresh:
a warm scent.
close to something sought, as in a game.
uncomfortable or unpleasant:
His opponents made things so warm that he decided to quit.
British Informal. well off; in easy circumstances.
verb (used with object)
to make warm; heat (often followed by up):
to warm one's hands; to warm up a room.
to heat or cook (something) for reuse, as leftovers (usually followed by over or up):
to warm up yesterday's stew.
to excite enthusiasm, ardor, cheerfulness, or vitality in (someone):
The wine soon warmed the company.
to inspire with kindly feeling; affect with lively pleasure:
It warms my soul to hear you say that.
to fill (a person, crowd, etc.) with strong feelings, as hatred, anger, or zeal:
Restrictions had warmed the crew to the point of mutiny.
verb (used without object)
to become warm or warmer (often followed by up):
The room will warm up when the fire gets going.
to become ardent, enthusiastic, animated, etc. (often followed by up or to):
The speaker quickly warmed to her subject.
to grow kindly, friendly, or sympathetically disposed (often followed by to or toward):
My heart warms toward him.
Informal. a warming:
Sit by the fire and have a nice warm.
Verb phrases
warm down, to conclude or follow a period of strenuous physical exercise by walking or gentle stretching.
warm up,
  1. to prepare for a game, sports contest, dance, etc., by moderate exercise or practice beforehand.
  2. to increase in excitement, intensity, violence, etc.:
    The racial situation was warming up.
  3. to become friendlier or more receptive:
    No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't warm up to that proposal.
  4. Radio and Television. to entertain (an audience) prior to a broadcast to increase receptiveness.
warm the bench, Sports. to serve as a substitute who rarely plays in a game:
The young outfielder warmed the bench for the Yankees last season.
before 900; (adj.) Middle English werm, warm, Old English wearm; cognate with German warm, Old Norse varmr; (v.) Middle English warmen, wermen, Old English werman, wirman (transitive), wearmian (intransitive), both akin to the adj.; (noun) derivative of the v.
Related forms
warmer, noun
warmish, adjective
warmly, adverb
warmness, noun
overwarmed, adjective
prewarm, verb (used with object)
rewarm, verb
unwarmed, adjective
unwarming, adjective
well-warmed, adjective
1. lukewarm, tepid, heated. 6. hearty, enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, emotional, ardent. 7. friendly, close. 8. fervent. 9. annoyed, vexed, irate, furious. 10. vehement. 17. animate, excite, waken, stir, rouse, arouse.
1–3, 5, 8. cool.
Examples from the web for warm
  • In cold weather, that liquid flows into a compressor, where it gets heated and is used to warm the floors.
  • They arise in warm tropical waters that transfer their heat to the air.
  • Heat from the roads helps cold-blooded snakes stay warm.
  • So when you talk to them, sound interested, warm and enthusiastic.
  • The area is so serene, and the people are so warm and friendly.
  • Most of the country has warm, sunny days and cool nights.
  • warm sunny places are suited to solar thermal and solar photovoltaic power.
  • Dressing in layers traps body heat and helps keep you warm.
  • And if you put it into a pot of tepid water and then turn on the heat, it will scramble out as soon as it gets uncomfortably warm.
  • It sounded kind of synthetic, and far from warm or earthy.
British Dictionary definitions for warm


characterized by or having a moderate degree of heat; moderately hot
maintaining or imparting heat: a warm coat
having or showing ready affection, kindliness, etc: a warm personality
lively, vigorous, or passionate: a warm debate
cordial or enthusiastic; ardent: warm support
quickly or easily aroused: a warm temper
(of colours) predominantly red or yellow in tone
(of a scent, trail, etc) recently made; strong
near to finding a hidden object or discovering or guessing facts, as in children's games
(informal) uncomfortable or disagreeable, esp because of the proximity of danger
(sometimes foll by up) to raise or be raised in temperature; make or become warm or warmer
when intr, often foll by to. to make or become excited, enthusiastic, etc (about): he warmed to the idea of buying a new car
(intransitive) often foll by to. to feel affection, kindness, etc (for someone): I warmed to her mother from the start
(transitive) (Brit) to give a caning to: I'll warm you in a minute
(informal) a warm place or area: come into the warm
(informal) the act or an instance of warming or being warmed
See also warm over, warm up
Derived Forms
warmer, noun
warmish, adjective
warmly, adverb
warmness, noun
Word Origin
Old English wearm; related to Old Frisian, Old Saxon warm, Old Norse varmr
Word Origin and History for warm

Old English wearm, from Proto-Germanic *warmaz (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch, Old High German, German warm, Old Norse varmr, Gothic warmjan "to warm"), from PIE *gwher- (cf. Sanskrit gharmah "heat;" Old Persian Garmapada-, name of the fourth month, corresponding to June/July, from garma- "heat;" Armenian jerm "warm;" Greek thermos "warm;" Latin formus "warm," fornax "oven;" Old Irish fogeir "heated;" Hittite war- "to burn"). The root also may be connected to that of Old Church Slavonic goriti "to burn," varu "heat," variti "to cook, boil;" and Lithuanian verdu "to seethe."

The distinction, based on degree of heat, between "warm" and "hot" is general in Balto-Slavic and Germanic, but in other languages one word often covers both (cf. Latin calidus, Greek thermos, French chaud, Spanish caliente). In reference to feelings, etc., attested from late 15c. Sense in guessing games first recorded 1860, from earlier hunting use in reference to scent or trail (1713). Warm-blooded in reference to mammals is recorded from 1793. Warm-hearted first recorded c.1500.


Old English wyrman "make warm" and wearmian "become warm;" from the root of warm (adj.). Phrase warm the bench is sports jargon first recorded 1907. Warm up (v.) "exercise before an activity" is attested from 1868. In reference to appliances, motors, etc., attested from 1947. Noun phrase warm-up "act or practice of warming up" is recorded from 1915. Related: Warmed; warming.

SCOTCH WARMING PAN. A wench. [Grose, "Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," 1788]

Idioms and Phrases with warm