
[sprint] /sprɪnt/
verb (used without object)
to race or move at full speed, especially for a short distance, as in running, rowing, etc.
verb (used with object)
to traverse in sprinting:
to sprint a half mile.
a short race at full speed.
a burst of speed at any point during a long race, as near the finish line.
a brief spell of great activity.
1560-70; perhaps continuing Old English *sprintan (compare gesprintan to emit); cognate with Old Norse spretta, Old High German sprinzan to jump up
Related forms
sprinter, noun
outsprint, verb (used with object)
Examples from the web for sprint
  • Regardless of who wins this sprint, the next race--to make sense of the genome--will be a marathon with many runners.
  • When the moment is right a cheetah will sprint after its quarry and attempt to knock it down.
  • However, running at this speed requires a lot of energy, and the cheetah cannot keep up a sprint for long.
  • The last days of the journey became a sprint for the pole as both food and fuel began to run low.
  • The new multinationals have some distinct advantages in their sprint to the fore of global business.
  • With so many spare resources available, the recovery could sprint ahead for several years without inflation taking off.
  • sprint is currently the only carrier to offer an unlimited data plan.
  • The demands of a one-mile sprint from a standing start are quite different than road racing or hill climbing.
  • The mobs would congregate and sprint to one area, then retreat and run in another direction.
  • The sprint is for men and for women the distance is skied over three laps.
British Dictionary definitions for sprint


(athletics) a short race run at top speed, such as the 100 metres
a fast finishing speed at the end of a longer race, as in running or cycling, etc
any quick run
verb (intransitive)
to go at top speed, as in running, cycling, etc
Derived Forms
sprinter, noun
Word Origin
C16: from Scandinavian; related to Old English gesprintan to emit, Old Norse spretta to jump up, Old High German sprinzan to jump up, Swedish sprata to kick
Word Origin and History for sprint

1560s, "to spring, dart," from Old Norse spretta "to jump up." Meaning "to run a short distance at full speed" first recorded 1871. Related: Sprinted; sprinting.


1865, from sprint (v.).

sprint in Technology

List processing language involving stack operations. "SPRINT - A Direct Approach to List Processing Languages", C.A. Kapps, Proc SJCC 30 (1967). Sammet 1969, p 462.

Encyclopedia Article for sprint

in bicycle racing, a competition over a 1,000-metre (1,094-yard) course (500-metre for women) with time taken only over the last 200 metres (219 yards).

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