
[sib-ling] /ˈsɪb lɪŋ/
a brother or sister.
Anthropology. a comember of a sib, a unilateral descent group thought to share kinship through a common ancestor.
of or pertaining to a brother or sister:
sibling rivalry.
before 1000; late Middle English: relative, Old English; see sib, -ling1
Related forms
half-sibling, noun
Examples from the web for sibling
  • The newly hatched sibling seemed to think his older brother was hunky-dory, and they got on famously.
  • sibling professors collaborate on a modern-dance program that lets volunteers control spotlights to test an economic principle.
  • The sun's gravitational tug then destabilized the smaller moon's orbit and caused it to fall into its larger sibling.
  • The best treatment for the disease is a bone marrow transplant from an immunologically matched sibling.
  • The first sibling or two to mature sometimes eat their siblings in utero.
  • Most high-school students have a story about a sibling or a friend who felt ignored at the back of a lecture hall.
  • They are, genetically, both themselves and their sibling at the same time.
  • By the end of the sibling session, only a few cookies were left.
  • Yep, forty-some years later, sibling rivalry still has its funny side.
  • The pups were having a lot of fun playing with each other, and with there older sibling.
British Dictionary definitions for sibling


  1. a person's brother or sister
  2. (as modifier): sibling rivalry
any fellow member of a sib
Word Origin
C19: specialized modern use of Old English sibling relative, from sib; see -ling1
Word Origin and History for sibling

"brother or sister," 1903, modern revival (in anthropology) of Old English sibling "relative, kinsman," from sibb "kinship, relationship; love, friendship, peace, happiness," from Proto-Germanic *sibja- "blood relation, relative," properly "one's own" (cf. Old Saxon sibba, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch sibbe, Old High German sippa, German Sippe, Gothic sibja "kin, kindred"), from PIE s(w)e-bh(o)- (cf. Old Church Slavonic sobistvo, Russian sob "character, individuality"), an enlargement of the root *swe- "self" (see idiom). Related to the second element in gossip.

The word 'sib' or 'sibling' is coming into use in genetics in the English-speaking world, as an equivalent of the convenient German term 'Geschwister' [E.&C. Paul, "Human Heredity," 1930]
In Old English, sibb and its compounds covered grounds of "brotherly love, familial affection" which tended later to lump into love (n.), e.g. sibsumnes "peace, concord, brotherly love," sibbian (v.) "bring together, reconcile," sibbecoss "kiss of peace." Sibship, however, is a modern formation (1908). Sib persisted through Middle English as a noun, adjective, and verb expressing kinship and relationship.

sibling in Medicine

sibling sib·ling (sĭb'lĭng)
One of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.

Encyclopedia Article for sibling

typically, a brother or a sister. Many societies choose not to differentiate children who have both parents in common from those who share only one parent; all are known simply as siblings. In those societies that do differentiate children on this basis, the former are known as full siblings, and the latter are known as half-siblings. Siblings may be the biological offspring of their parents, or they may be socially classified as such through adoption or the categories used in various descent systems. For instance, in some societies the relationships between certain sets of cousins (most often parallel cousins, the children of one's mother's sister or father's brother) may be the same as those that other forms of reckoning expect between biological siblings. In European and related traditions, the study of child development has included sibling relationships as important factors in personality formation. In many traditional cultures, the rights and obligations that obtain between full siblings are among the most sacrosanct of all the ties that bind kinship groups together.

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