
[shel] /ʃɛl/
a hard outer covering of an animal, as the hard case of a mollusk, or either half of the case of a bivalve mollusk.
any of various objects resembling such a covering, as in shape or in being more or less concave or hollow.
the material constituting any of various coverings of this kind.
the hard exterior of an egg.
the usually hard, outer covering of a seed, fruit, or the like, as the hard outside portion of a nut, the pod of peas, etc.
a hard, protecting or enclosing case or cover.
an attitude or manner of reserve that usually conceals one's emotions, thoughts, etc.:
One could not penetrate his shell.
a hollow projectile for a cannon, mortar, etc., filled with an explosive charge designed to explode during flight, upon impact, or after penetration.
a metallic cartridge used in small arms and small artillery pieces.
a metal or paper cartridge, as for use in a shotgun.
a cartridgelike pyrotechnic device that explodes in the air.
shells, Italian Cookery. small pieces of pasta having the shape of a shell.
the lower pastry crust of a pie, tart, or the like, baked before the filling is added.
Computers. a program providing a menu-driven or graphical user interface designed to simplify use of the operating system, as in loading application programs.
  1. any of up to seven energy levels on which an electron may exist within an atom, the energies of the electrons on the same level being equal and on different levels being unequal.
  2. a group of nucleons of approximately the same energy.
a light, long, narrow racing boat, for rowing by one or more persons.
the outer part of a finished garment that has a lining, especially a detachable lining.
a woman's sleeveless blouse or sweater, especially one meant for wear under a suit jacket.
Nautical. the plating, planking, or the like, covering the ribs and forming the exterior hull of a vessel.
tortoise shell (def 1).
a mollusk.
Engineering. the curved solid forming a dome or vault.
an arena or stadium covered by a domed or arched roof.
a saucer-shaped arena or stadium.
the framework, external structure, or walls and roof of a building:
After the fire, only the shell of the school was left.
a small glass for beer.
the metal, pressure-resistant outer casing of a fire-tube boiler.
  1. a scab on the surface of an ingot.
  2. a length of unfinished tubing.
  3. a pierced forging.
  4. a hollow object made by deep drawing.
verb (used with object)
to take out of the shell, pod, etc.; remove the shell of.
to separate (Indian corn, grain, etc.) from the ear, cob, or husk.
to fire shells or explosive projectiles into, upon, or among; bombard.
verb (used without object)
to fall or come out of the shell, husk, etc.
to come away or fall off, as a shell or outer coat.
to gather sea shells:
We spent the whole morning shelling while the tide was out.
Verb phrases
shell out, Informal. to hand over (money); contribute; pay.
before 900; (noun) Middle English; Old English scell (north), sciell; cognate with Dutch schil peel, skin, rink, Old Norse skel shell, Gothic skalja tile; (v.) derivative of the noun; cf. shale
Related forms
shell-less, adjective
shell-like, adjective
de-shell, verb (used with object)


[sheel; unstressed shil] /ʃil; unstressed ʃɪl/
contraction of she will.
Usage note
Examples from the web for shell
  • If you turn the skeleton over and look at the inside, you can even figure out how the shell evolved.
  • It's able to seal itself inside a hollow coconut husk using its suckers to hold two halves of a shell in place.
  • Mix one cup ground coffee with one egg, slightly beaten, and crushed shell.
  • Broil eight minutes on flesh side, turn and broil six minutes on shell side.
  • Clams for steaming should be bought in the shell and always be alive.
  • On one interpretation, the machine dies with the final unplugging of its physical shell.
  • The sandcastle worm, as the beast is known, lives in a mineral shell.
  • Yet another, in a different suburb, is burnt to a shell.
  • The sandcastle worm, as the creature is known, lives in a mineral shell.
  • The process was helped by the use of shell companies in offshore jurisdictions with strict secrecy laws.
British Dictionary definitions for shell


the protective calcareous or membranous outer layer of an egg, esp a bird's egg
the hard outer covering of many molluscs that is secreted by the mantle
any other hard outer layer, such as the exoskeleton of many arthropods
the hard outer layer of some fruits, esp of nuts
any hard outer case
a hollow artillery projectile filled with explosive primed to explode either during flight, on impact, or after penetration Compare ball1 (sense 7a)
a small-arms cartridge comprising a hollow casing inside which is the primer, charge, and bullet
a pyrotechnic cartridge designed to explode in the air
(rowing) a very light narrow racing boat
the external structure of a building, esp one that is unfinished or one that has been gutted by fire
the basic structural case of something, such as a machine, vehicle, etc
  1. a class of electron orbits in an atom in which the electrons have the same principal quantum number and orbital angular momentum quantum number and differences in their energy are small compared with differences in energy between shells
  2. an analogous energy state of nucleons in certain theories (shell models) of the structure of the atomic nucleus
the pastry case of a pie, flan, etc
a thin slab of concrete or a skeletal framework made of wood or metal that forms a shell-like roof
(Brit) (in some schools) a class or form
come out of one's shell, to become less shy and reserved
bring out of one's shell, to help to become less shy and reserved
to divest or be divested of a shell, husk, pod, etc
to separate or be separated from an ear, husk, cob, etc
(transitive) to bombard with artillery shells
See also shell out
Derived Forms
shell-less, adjective
shelly, adjective
Word Origin
Old English sciell; related to Old Norse skel shell, Gothic skalja tile, Middle Low German schelle shell; see scale1, shale


/ʃiːl; unstressed ʃɪl/
she will or she shall
Word Origin and History for shell

Old English sciell, scill, Anglian scell "seashell, eggshell," related to Old English scealu "shell, husk," from Proto-Germanic *skaljo "piece cut off; shell; scale" (cf. West Frisian skyl "peel, rind," Middle Low German schelle "pod, rind, egg shell," Gothic skalja "tile"), with the shared notion of "covering that splits off," from PIE root *(s)kel- (1) "to cut, cleave" (cf. Old Church Slavonic skolika "shell," Russian skala "bark, rind;" see scale (n.1)). Italian scaglia "chip" is from Germanic.

Sense of "mere exterior" is from 1650s; that of "hollow framework" is from 1791. Meaning "structure for a band or orchestra" is attested from 1938. Military use (1640s) was first of hand grenades, in reference to the metal case in which the gunpowder and shot were mixed; the notion is of a "hollow object" filled with explosives. Hence shell shock, first recorded 1915. Shell game "a swindle" is from 1890, from a version of three-card monte played with a pea and walnut shells.


1560s, "to remove (a nut, etc.) from a shell," from shell (n.). The meaning "to bombard with shells" is first attested 1856. To shell out "disburse" (1801) is a figurative use from the image of extracting nuts. Related: Shelled; shelling.

shell in Science
    1. The usually hard outer covering of certain animals, such as mollusks, insects, and turtles.

    2. The hard outer covering of a bird's egg.

    3. The hard outer covering of a seed, nut, or fruit.

    4. A set of electron orbitals that have nearly the same energy. Electrons in outer shells have greater energy than those in shells closer to the nucleus. Elements in the Periodic Table range from the lightest elements with electrons normally occupying one shell (hydrogen and helium) to the heaviest, with electrons in seven shells (radium and uranium, for instance). See more at atomic spectrum, orbital, subshell. See Note at metal.

    5. Any of the stable states of other particles or collections of particles (such as the nucleons in an atomic nucleus) at a given energy or small range of energies.

    1. A set of electron orbitals that have nearly the same energy. Electrons in outer shells have greater energy than those in shells closer to the nucleus. Elements in the Periodic Table range from the lightest elements with electrons normally occupying one shell (hydrogen and helium) to the heaviest, with electrons in seven shells (radium and uranium, for instance). See more at atomic spectrum, orbital, subshell. See Note at metal.

    2. Any of the stable states of other particles or collections of particles (such as the nucleons in an atomic nucleus) at a given energy or small range of energies.

Slang definitions & phrases for shell



To pay; shell out: to shell at least a buck (1948+)

Related Terms


shell in Technology
An early system on the Datatron 200 series.
[Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959)].
[Jargon File]

1. (Originally from Multics, widely propagated via Unix) The command interpreter used to pass commands to an operating system; so called because it is the part of the operating system that interfaces with the outside world.
The commonest Unix shells are the c shell (csh) and the Bourne shell (sh).
2. (Or "wrapper") Any interface program that mediates access to a special resource or server for convenience, efficiency, or security reasons; for this meaning, the usage is usually "a shell around" whatever.
[Jargon File]

Idioms and Phrases with shell


In addition to the idiom beginning with shell also see: in one's shell