
[skript] /skrɪpt/
the letters or characters used in writing by hand; handwriting, especially cursive writing.
a manuscript or document.
the text of a manuscript or document.
the manuscript or one of various copies of the written text of a play, motion picture, or radio or television broadcast.
any system of writing.
Printing. a type imitating handwriting.
Compare cursive.
verb (used with object)
to write a script for:
The movie was scripted by a famous author.
to plan or devise; make arrangements for:
The week-long festivities were scripted by a team of experts.
1325-75; Middle English (noun) < Latin scrīptum, noun use of neuter past participle of scrībere to write; replacing Middle English scrit < Old French escrit < Latin, as above
Related forms
scripter, noun
underscript, noun
Can be confused
scrip, script.


Examples from the web for script
  • Sometimes a star arrives with a story so bereft of surprise you could guess it while knowing only a bit of the script.
  • Rarely, however, does getting a movie script rejected involve an explosion.
  • Since the captioning is taken from the script's files, any alteration between script and shooting is lost.
  • If you really want to be creative, write the script for a tour guide to take people through the exhibit.
  • Because a script is so easy to get past, this script also allows you to browse freely during a defined period each hour.
  • The producer said there was no noticeable reaction from the audience, who may have thought the incident was part of the script.
  • Having your book optioned is no guarantee that a film will ever be made, nor that your views will be reflected in the script.
  • The authors show that, although details may vary, banking crises follow the same broad script.
  • No part of the ancient script was altered or damaged during this process.
  • We had one director come in with a script for a work in progress and rehearse scenes with the actors.
British Dictionary definitions for script


(informal) a medical prescription
Word Origin
C20: short for prescription


handwriting as distinguished from print, esp cursive writing
the letters, characters, or figures used in writing by hand
any system or style of writing
written copy for the use of performers in films and plays
  1. an original or principal document
  2. (esp in England) a will or codicil or the draft for one
any of various typefaces that imitate handwriting
(computing) a series of instructions that is executed by a computer program
an answer paper in an examination
another word for scrip3
(transitive) to write a script for
Word Origin
C14: from Latin scriptum something written, from scrībere to write
Word Origin and History for script

late 14c., "something written," earlier scrite (c.1300), from Old French escrit "piece of writing, written paper; credit note, IOU; deed, bond" (Modern French écrit) from Latin scriptum "a writing, book; law; line, mark," noun use of neuter past participle of scribere "to write," from PIE *skribh- "to cut, separate, sift" (cf. Greek skariphasthai "to scratch an outline, sketch," Lettish skripat "scratch, write," Old Norse hrifa "scratch"), from root *(s)ker- "cut, incise" (cf. Old English sceran "cut off, shear;" see shear (v.)) on the notion of carving marks in stone, wood, etc.

Meaning "handwriting" is recorded from 1860. Theatrical use, short for manuscript, is attested from 1884. The importance of Rome to the spread of civilization in Europe is attested by the fact that the word for "write" in Celtic and Germanic (as well as Romanic) languages derives from scribere (e.g. French écrire, Irish scriobhaim, Welsh ysgrifennu, German schreiben). The cognate Old English scrifan means "to allot, assign, decree" (see shrive; also cf. Old Norse skript "penance") and Modern English uses write (v.) to express this action.


"adapt (a work) for broadcasting or film," 1935, from script (n.). Related: Scripted; scripting.

Slang definitions & phrases for script


  1. A doctor's prescription, often a forged or stolen one (1960s+ Narcotics)
  2. Any note written on paper
  3. A manuscript (Theater 1897+, also publishing)

script in Technology

1. An early system on the IBM 702.
[Listed in CACM 2(5):16 (May 1959)].
2. A real-time language.
["A Communication Abstraction Mechanism and its Verification", N. Francez et al, Sci Comp Prog 6(1):35-88 (1986)].

A program written in a scripting language, but see Ousterhout's dichotomy.

Related Abbreviations for script


  1. manuscript
  2. prescription


  1. Scriptural
  2. Scripture