
[reyn] /reɪn/
Often, reins. a leather strap, fastened to each end of the bit of a bridle, by which the rider or driver controls a horse or other animal by pulling so as to exert pressure on the bit.
any of certain other straps or thongs forming part of a harness, as a checkrein.
any means of curbing, controlling, or directing; check; restraint.
reins, the controlling or directing power:
the reins of government.
verb (used with object)
to check or guide (a horse or other animal) by exerting pressure on a bridle bit by means of the reins.
to curb; restrain; control.
verb (used without object)
to obey the reins:
a horse that reins well.
to rein a horse or other animal.
draw rein, to curtail one's speed or progress; halt:
The rider saw the snake and drew rein sharply.
give rein to, to give complete freedom to; indulge freely:
to give rein to one's imagination.
Also, give free rein to, give full rein to.
1300-50; (noun) Middle English rene, reine, raine < Old French re(s)ne < Vulgar Latin *retina, noun derivative of Latin retinēre to hold back, retain; (v.) Middle English rainen, reinen, derivative of the noun
Related forms
reinless, adjective
unreined, adjective
Can be confused
rain, reign, rein.
6. check, bridle, limit.


[reynz] /reɪnz/
plural noun
the kidneys.
the region of the kidneys, or the lower part of the back.
(especially in Biblical use) the seat of the feelings or affections, formerly identified with the kidneys.
before 1000; Middle English reines, reenes < Old French reins; compare Old English (once) rēnys; both < Latin rēnēs kidneys, loins (plural); cf. renal
Examples from the web for rein
  • It invites us to abide the unexpected, to live with dissonance, to rein in the impulse to control.
  • The only way to rein in the lenders and insurers is to put them out of business by saving your money for the things you purchase.
  • Now civic groups and native organizations are pushing governments and the courts to rein in oil development.
  • That's why credit-card companies have had to rein in their lending and shed accounts.
  • New initiatives to rein in costs and increase revenue are badly needed.
  • Federal soldiers deployed to rein in the group were filmed summarily executing suspected militants in the streets.
  • Many signs seem to have emerged, and if we're not vigilant, the economic situation will be difficult to rein in.
  • The company that hands over the rein to the managers has little.
  • But then once this policy is successful, you have to rein in the money supply as fast as you can.
  • He has reduced the bishops to papal errand boys, given rein to act only when running their appointed errands.
British Dictionary definitions for rein


(often pl) one of a pair of long straps, usually connected together and made of leather, used to control a horse, running from the side of the bit or the headstall to the hand of the rider, driver, or trainer
a similar device used to control a very young child
any form or means of control: to take up the reins of government
the direction in which a rider turns (in phrases such as on a left (or right) rein, change the rein)
something that restrains, controls, or guides
give free rein, give a free rein, to allow considerable freedom; remove restraints
keep a tight rein on, to control carefully; limit: we have to keep a tight rein on expenditure
on a long rein, with the reins held loosely so that the horse is relatively unconstrained
shorten the reins, to take up the reins so that the distance between hand and bit is lessened, in order that the horse may be more collected
(transitive) to check, restrain, hold back, or halt with or as if with reins
to control or guide (a horse) with a rein or reins: they reined left
See also rein in
Word Origin
C13: from Old French resne, from Latin retinēre to hold back, from re- + tenēre to hold; see restrain


plural noun
(archaic) the kidneys or loins
Word Origin
C14: from Old French, from Latin rēnēs the kidneys
Word Origin and History for rein

c.1300, "strap fastened to a bridle," from Old French rene, resne "reins, bridle strap, laces" (Modern French rêne), probably from Vulgar Latin *retina "a bond, check," back-formation from Latin retinere "hold back" (see retain). To give something free rein is originally of horses.


c.1300, from rein (n.). Figurative extension "put a check on" first recorded 1580s. Related: Reined; reining. To rein up "halt" (1550s) is from the way to make a horse stop by pulling up on the reins.



see rein (n.). Figurative sense "means of controlling; control, check, restraint" is from early 14c.

rein in Medicine

reins (rānz)
The kidneys, loins, or lower back.

rein in the Bible

the kidneys, the supposed seat of the desires and affections; used metaphorically for "heart." The "reins" and the "heart" are often mentioned together, as denoting the whole moral constitution of man (Ps. 7:9; 16:7; 26:2; 139:13; Jer. 17:10, etc.).

Idioms and Phrases with rein