judicial branch

the branch of government charged with the interpretation of laws and the administration of justice; the judiciary.
Examples from the web for judicial branch
  • Compared with the other two branches of government, the judicial branch is a saintly, unfelonious branch.
  • The executive branch enforces those laws while the judicial branch tries those accused of breaking the law.
  • Much of this problem is due to underfunding in the judicial branch.
  • The only precedent violated on this evening was respect for the judicial branch.
  • At the pinnacle of one, the judicial branch, it clearly does not.
  • Gore, it damages the credibility of the judicial branch.
  • We must state directly and strongly that the integrity of the judicial branch must not be violated.
  • The ruling has been generally interpreted to mean that the judicial branch has little if any role in impeachment trials.
  • Maintenance of court records is the backbone of the judicial branch.
  • There's no reason in this day and age for people not to be eyewitness to the judicial branch and its proceedings.
judicial branch in Culture

judicial branch definition

The court systems of local, state, and federal governments, responsible for interpreting the laws passed by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive branch. These courts try criminal cases (in which a law may have been violated) or civil cases (disputes between parties over rights or responsibilities). The courts attempt to resolve conflicts impartially in order to protect the individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution, within the bounds of justice, as defined by the entire body of U.S. law. Some courts try only original cases, whereas others act as courts of appeals. The ultimate court of appeals is the Supreme Court. On the federal level, the system of checks and balances empowers Congress to create federal courts, and all federal judges must be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The courts may exercise the powers of judicial review and injunction.