
[in-juhngk-shuh n] /ɪnˈdʒʌŋk ʃən/
Law. a judicial process or order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a particular act.
an act or instance of enjoining.
a command; order; admonition:
the injunctions of the Lord.
1520-30; < Late Latin injunctiōn- (stem of injunctiō), equivalent to Latin injunct(us) (past participle of injungere to join to; see enjoin) + -iōn- -ion
Related forms
injunctive, adjective
injunctively, adverb
Examples from the web for injunction
  • But the injunction that one ought to be present for work doesn't explain what that work-politics-involves.
  • Had this injunction been literally obeyed, the object of its promoters would have been at once secured.
  • The court dismissed the complaint, saying that the plaintiff didn't show sufficient harm to merit the injunction.
  • Well, recently they lost the injunction, so the cuts happened.
  • Previously, there had been an injunction placed on the moment of silence.
  • The injunction and other remedies were stayed pending the outcome of the appeals.
British Dictionary definitions for injunction


(law) an instruction or order issued by a court to a party to an action, esp to refrain from some act, such as causing a nuisance
a command, admonition, etc
the act of enjoining
Derived Forms
injunctive, adjective
injunctively, adverb
Word Origin
C16: from Late Latin injunctiō, from Latin injungere to enjoin
Word Origin and History for injunction

early 15c., from Late Latin injunctionem (nominative injunctio) "a command," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin injungere "impose," literally "attach to" (see enjoin).

injunction in Culture

injunction definition

A court order that either compels or restrains an act by an individual, organization, or government official. In labormanagement relations, injunctions have been used to prevent workers from going on strike.