
[juhj] /dʒʌdʒ/
a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice.
a person appointed to decide in any competition, contest, or matter at issue; authorized arbiter:
the judges of a beauty contest.
a person qualified to pass a critical judgment:
a good judge of horses.
an administrative head of Israel in the period between the death of Joshua and the accession to the throne by Saul.
(especially in rural areas) a county official with supervisory duties, often employed part-time or on an honorary basis.
verb (used with object), judged, judging.
to pass legal judgment on; pass sentence on (a person):
The court judged him guilty.
to hear evidence or legal arguments in (a case) in order to pass judgment; adjudicate; try:
The Supreme Court is judging that case.
to form a judgment or opinion of; decide upon critically:
You can't judge a book by its cover.
to decide or settle authoritatively; adjudge:
The censor judged the book obscene and forbade its sale.
to infer, think, or hold as an opinion; conclude about or assess:
He judged her to be correct.
to make a careful guess about; estimate:
We judged the distance to be about four miles.
(of the ancient Hebrew judges) to govern.
verb (used without object), judged, judging.
to act as a judge; pass judgment:
No one would judge between us.
to form an opinion or estimate:
I have heard the evidence and will judge accordingly.
to make a mental judgment.
1175-1225; (v.) Middle English jugen < Anglo-French juger, Old French jugier < Latin jūdicāre to judge, equivalent to jūdic- (stem of jūdex) a judge + -āre infinitive suffix; (noun) Middle English juge < Old French < Latin jūdicem, accusative of jūdex
Related forms
judgeable, adjective
judger, noun
judgeless, adjective
judgelike, adjective
judgeship, noun
judgingly, adverb
rejudge, verb, rejudged, rejudging.
subjudge, noun
subjudgeship, noun
underjudge, verb (used with object), underjudged, underjudging.
underjudge, noun
unjudgeable, adjective
unjudged, adjective
unjudgelike, adjective
unjudging, adjective
well-judged, adjective
Can be confused
judge, justice (see synonym study at the current entry)
1. justice. 2. arbitrator. Judge, referee, umpire refer to one who is entrusted with decisions affecting others. Judge, in its legal and other uses, implies particularly that one has qualifications and authority for giving decisions in matters at issue: a judge appointed to the Supreme Court; a judge in the pie competition. A referee usually examines and reports on the merits of a case as an aid to a court. An umpire gives the final ruling when arbitrators of a case disagree. 3. connoisseur, critic. 10. determine, consider, regard. 13. adjudge, adjudicate.


[been] /bin/
Alan L(aVern) born 1932, U.S. astronaut.
Roy ("Judge") 1825?–1903, U.S. frontiersman and justice of the peace: called himself “the law west of the Pecos.”.
Examples from the web for judge
  • Should you win, you will be free, and no appeal will lie from any decision by the judge in your favor.
  • Held without charges for seven years, he was finally freed when a federal judge reviewed the evidence against him.
  • If you disagree with the decision of a judge, the proper remedy is to appeal the decision.
  • People judge alcohol drinkers as less intelligent.
  • Do not judge of a tree by its bark nor of a man by his exterior.
  • It was almost ten-thirty, and the judge was about to take the bench.
  • Now a state judge in Virginia has sided with the university.
  • Sir, you are no judge; your opinion has no weight with me.
  • The fans don't roar and they don't judge.
  • We should let the public be the judge.
British Dictionary definitions for judge


a public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and pronounce judgment upon them Compare magistrate (sense 1), justice (sense 5), justice (sense 6) related adjective judicial
a person who is appointed to determine the result of contests or competitions
a person qualified to comment critically: a good judge of antiques
a leader of the peoples of Israel from Joshua's death to the accession of Saul
to hear and decide upon (a case at law)
(transitive) to pass judgment on; sentence
(when transitive, may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to decide or deem (something) after inquiry or deliberation
to determine the result of (a contest or competition)
to appraise (something) critically
(transitive; takes a clause as object) to believe (something) to be the case; suspect
Derived Forms
judgeable, adjective
judgeless, adjective
judgelike, adjective
judger, noun
judgingly, adverb
Word Origin
C14: from Old French jugier, from Latin jūdicāre to pass judgment, from jūdex a judge


any of various leguminous plants of the widely cultivated genus Phaseolus producing edible seeds in pods See French bean, lima bean, scarlet runner, string bean
any of several other leguminous plants that bear edible pods or seeds, such as the broad bean and soya bean
any of various other plants whose seeds are produced in pods or podlike fruits
the seed or pod of any of these plants
any of various beanlike seeds, such as coffee
(US & Canadian, slang) another word for head
(slang) cool beans, excellent; impressive
(slang) not have a bean, to be without money: I haven't got a bean
(informal) full of beans
  1. full of energy and vitality
  2. (US) mistaken; erroneous
(informal) spill the beans, to disclose something confidential
(mainly US & Canadian, slang) (transitive) to hit (a person) on the head
Word Origin
Old English bēan; related to Old Norse baun, Old Frisian bāne, Old High German bōna bean
Word Origin and History for judge

c.1300, "to form an opinion about; make a decision," also "to try and pronounce sentence upon (someone) in a court," from Anglo-French juger, Old French jugier "to judge, pronounce judgment; pass an opinion on," from Latin iudicare "to judge, to examine officially; form an opinion upon; pronounce judgment," from iudicem (nominative iudex) "a judge," a compound of ius "right, law" (see just (adj.)) + root of dicere "to say" (see diction). Related: Judged; judging. From mid-14c. as "to regard, consider." The Old English word was deman (see doom). Spelling with -dg- emerged mid-15c.


mid-14c. (early 13c. as a surname), also judge-man; see judge (v.). In Hebrew history, it refers to a war leader vested with temporary power (e.g. Book of Judges), from Latin iudex being used to translate Hebrew shophet.



Old English bean "bean, pea, legume," from Proto-Germanic *bauno (cf. Old Norse baun, Middle Dutch bone, Dutch boon, Old High German bona, German Bohne), perhaps from a PIE reduplicated base *bha-bha- and related to Latin faba "bean."

As a metaphor for "something of small value" it is attested from c.1300. Meaning "head" is U.S. baseball slang c.1905 (in bean-ball "a pitch thrown at the head"); thus slang verb bean meaning "to hit on the head," attested from 1910.

The notion of lucky or magic beans in English folklore is from the exotic beans or large seeds that wash up occasionally in Cornwall and western Scotland, carried from the Caribbean or South America by the Gulf Stream. They were cherished, believed to ward off the evil eye and aid in childbirth.

Slang bean-counter "accountant" recorded by 1971. To not know beans (American English, 1933) is perhaps from the "of little worth" sense, but may have a connection to colloquial expression recorded around Somerset, to know how many beans make five "be a clever fellow."

Slang definitions & phrases for judge


  1. A five-dollar gold piece (1850s+ Underworld)
  2. A dollar: without a coat on his back or a bean in his pocket (1900+)
  3. A poker chip (1900+ Gambling)
  4. The head, esp the human head and brain: Whistling at a crook is not near as effective as to crack him on the bean with a hickory stick (1900+)
  5. A person of Spanish-American background, esp a Chicano (1920+)

To strike someone on the head, esp to hit a baseball batter on the head with a pitch: Not the first time I've been beaned (1910+)

Related Terms

full of beans, jellybean, loose in the bean, mean bean, spill the beans, use one's head

judge in the Bible

(Heb. shophet, pl. shophetim), properly a magistrate or ruler, rather than one who judges in the sense of trying a cause. This is the name given to those rulers who presided over the affairs of the Israelites during the interval between the death of Joshua and the accession of Saul (Judg. 2:18), a period of general anarchy and confusion. "The office of judges or regents was held during life, but it was not hereditary, neither could they appoint their successors. Their authority was limited by the law alone, and in doubtful cases they were directed to consult the divine King through the priest by Urim and Thummim (Num. 27:21). Their authority extended only over those tribes by whom they had been elected or acknowledged. There was no income attached to their office, and they bore no external marks of dignity. The only cases of direct divine appointment are those of Gideon and Samson, and the latter stood in the peculiar position of having been from before his birth ordained 'to begin to deliver Israel.' Deborah was called to deliver Israel, but was already a judge. Samuel was called by the Lord to be a prophet but not a judge, which ensued from the high gifts the people recognized as dwelling in him; and as to Eli, the office of judge seems to have devolved naturally or rather ex officio upon him." Of five of the judges, Tola (Judg. 10:1), Jair (3), Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon (12:8-15), we have no record at all beyond the bare fact that they were judges. Sacred history is not the history of individuals but of the kingdom of God in its onward progress. In Ex. 2:14 Moses is so styled. This fact may indicate that while for revenue purposes the "taskmasters" were over the people, they were yet, just as at a later time when under the Romans, governed by their own rulers.

Idioms and Phrases with judge


In addition to the idiom beginning with
also see: