
[kuh n-juhngk-shuh n] /kənˈdʒʌŋk ʃən/
  1. any member of a small class of words distinguished in many languages by their function as connectors between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, as and, because, but, however.
  2. any other word or expression of similar function, as in any case.
the act of conjoining; combination.
the state of being conjoined; union; association:
The police, in conjunction with the army, established order.
a combination of events or circumstances.
  1. a compound proposition that is true if and only if all of its component propositions are true.
  2. the relation among the components of such a proposition, usually expressed by AND or & or .
  1. the coincidence of two or more heavenly bodies at the same celestial longitude.
  2. the state of two or more such coinciding heavenly bodies.
Astrology. the coincidence of two or more heavenly bodies at the same celestial longitude, characterized by a unification of the planetary energies; an astrological aspect.
1350-1400; Middle English conjunccio(u)n (< Anglo-French) < Latin conjunctiōn- (stem of conjunctiō). See conjunct, -ion
Related forms
conjunctional, adjective
conjunctionally, adverb
nonconjunction, noun
2. joining, meeting, associating.
Examples from the web for conjunction
  • But, on the other hand, is a coordinating conjunction.
  • The toolbars work in conjunction with a standalone client.
  • These impoverished conditions, in conjunction with prolonged civil unrest, have marred the continuation of cultural traditions.
  • Children definitely learn by example, but they also can learn a lot from therapy in conjunction with pharma.
  • It does have to be done in conjunction with development of new resources and education and opportunities for those affected also.
  • In fact, the conjunction of cleared and forested lands actually creates wind known as a vegetation breeze.
  • The new system consists of advanced contact lenses working in conjunction with lightweight eyewear.
  • It's a conjunction of phenomenon as the main phenomenon is called the liquefaction of land.
  • We need to design for the pedestrian and biker in conjunction with car travel and rapid transit.
  • The government has periodically handed out the honour since, often in conjunction with a royal celebration.
British Dictionary definitions for conjunction


the act of joining together; combination; union
simultaneous occurrence of events; coincidence
any word or group of words, other than a relative pronoun, that connects words, phrases, or clauses; for example and and while conj See also coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction
  1. the position of any two bodies that appear to meet, such as two celestial bodies on the celestial sphere
  2. Also called solar conjunction. the position of a planet or the moon when it is in line with the sun as seen from the earth. The inner planets are in inferior conjunction when the planet is between the earth and the sun and in superior conjunction when the sun lies between the earth and the planet Compare opposition (sense 8a)
(astrology) an exact aspect of 0° between two planets, etc, an orb of 8° being allowed See opposition (sense 9), square (sense 10)
  1. the operator that forms a compound sentence from two given sentences, and corresponds to the English and
  2. a sentence so formed. Usually written p&q, p∧q, or p.q., where p,q are the component sentences, it is true only when both these are true
  3. the relation between such sentences
Derived Forms
conjunctional, adjective
conjunctionally, adverb
Word Origin and History for conjunction

late 14c., originally of planets, from Old French conjonction "union, joining, sexual intercourse" (12c.), from Latin coniunctionem (nominative coniunctio), from past participle stem of coniugare "join together" (see conjugal). Cf. Italian congiunzione, Spanish conjunción. Grammatical sense (late 14c.) was in Latin, a loan-translation of Greek syndesmos. The word also had the meaning "sexual union" 17c.-18c.

conjunction in Science
The position of two celestial bodies when they have the same celestial longitude, especially a configuration in which a planet or the Moon lies on a straight line from Earth to or through the Sun. Planets in this position are not visible to the naked eye because they are in line with the Sun and obscured by its glare; the Moon in this position is new. ◇ The inner planets Mercury and Venus have two conjunction points with Earth. Either planet is at inferior conjunction when it lies directly between the Earth and the Sun, and is at superior conjunction when it lies directly opposite Earth on the far side of the Sun. The outer planets have only one conjunction point with Earth, when they lie opposite Earth on the far side of the Sun. Compare opposition. See more at elongation.
conjunction in Culture

conjunction definition

A word that joins words or groups of words. There are three kinds of conjunctions: coordinating, correlative, and subordinating. Coordinating conjunctions include and, but, or, not, yet, for, and so. Correlative conjunctions include the words in the pairs either/or, both/and, and neither/nor. Subordinating conjunctions begin subordinate clauses (see subordination) and join them to the rest of the sentence: “She didn't learn the real reason until she left the valley.”

conjunction in Technology


Encyclopedia Article for conjunction

in astronomy, an apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies. The Moon is in conjunction with the Sun at the phase of New Moon, when it moves between the Earth and Sun and the side turned toward the Earth is dark. Inferior planets-those with orbits smaller than the Earth's (namely, Venus and Mercury)-have two kinds of conjunctions with the Sun. An inferior conjunction occurs when the planet passes approximately between Earth and Sun; if it passes exactly between them, moving across the Sun's face as seen from Earth, it is said to be in transit. A superior conjunction occurs when Earth and the other planet are on opposite sides of the Sun, but all three bodies are again nearly in a straight line. Superior planets, those having orbits larger than the Earth's, can have only superior conjunctions with the Sun. Conjunctions of planets with one another are considered of great importance in astrology. See also opposition

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