
[and; unstressed uh nd, uh n, or, esp. after a homorganic consonant, n] /ænd; unstressed ənd, ən, or, esp. after a homorganic consonant, n/
(used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) along or together with; as well as; in addition to; besides; also; moreover:
pens and pencils.
added to; plus:
2 and 2 are 4.
He read for an hour and went to bed.
also, at the same time:
to sleep and dream.
then again; repeatedly:
He coughed and coughed.
(used to imply different qualities in things having the same name):
There are bargains and bargains, so watch out.
(used to introduce a sentence, implying continuation) also; then:
And then it happened.
Informal. to (used between two finite verbs):
Try and do it. Call and see if she's home yet.
(used to introduce a consequence or conditional result):
He felt sick and decided to lie down for a while. Say one more word about it and I'll scream.
but; on the contrary:
He tried to run five miles and couldn't. They said they were about to leave and then stayed for two more hours.
(used to connect alternatives):
He felt that he was being forced to choose between his career and his family.
(used to introduce a comment on the preceding clause):
They don't like each other—and with good reason.
Archaic. if:
and you please.
Compare an2 .
an added condition, stipulation, detail, or particular:
He accepted the job, no ands or buts about it.
conjunction (def 5b).
and so forth, and the like; and others; et cetera:
We discussed traveling, sightseeing, and so forth.
and so on, and more things or others of a similar kind; and the like:
It was a summer filled with parties, picnics, and so on.
before 900; Middle English; Old English and, ond; cognate with Old Saxon, Old High German ant, Old Frisian, Gothic and, Icelandic and-; akin to German und, Dutch en, Sanskrit anti
Can be confused
and, and/or, nor, or (see usage note at the current entry; see usage note at and/or)
Usage note
Both and and but, and to a lesser extent or and so, are common as transitional words at the beginnings of sentences in all types of speech and writing: General Jackson thought the attack would come after darkness. And he was right. Any objection to this practice probably stems from the overuse of such sentences by inexperienced writers. When one of these words begins a sentence or an independent clause within a sentence, it is not followed by a comma unless the comma is one of a pair setting off a parenthetical element that follows: John is popular, and he seems to be well adjusted. But, appearances to the contrary, he is often depressed. See also and/or, et cetera, try.


[and] /ænd/
a Boolean operator that returns a positive result when both operands are positive.
Examples from the web for and
  • Two-career couples and single moms have little spare time for parenting.
  • Her rich subject matter yields both vast diversity and unexpected commonalities.
  • Science and politics mix badly, a bipartisan report said Wednesday.
  • Dominant animals show their status with expansive postures, and humans are no exception.
  • The store has inspired numerous fan clubs and online community pages.
  • Annual and monthly subscriptions are automatically renewed.
  • Dissect the statement and ask the students to further explain each part.
  • My cellphone is pressed to my ear and my shoulder is hunched to support it.
  • There will be ups and downs.
  • We assume intelligence and rationality go together.
British Dictionary definitions for and


/ænd; unstressed ənd; ən/
conjunction (coordinating)
along with; in addition to: boys and girls
as a consequence: he fell down and cut his knee
afterwards: we pay the man and go through that door
preceded by good or nice. (intensifier): the sauce is good and thick
plus: two and two equals four
used to join identical words or phrases to give emphasis or indicate repetition or continuity: better and better, we ran and ran, it rained and rained
used to join two identical words or phrases to express a contrast between instances of what is named: there are jobs and jobs
(informal) used in place of to in infinitives after verbs such as try, go, and come: try and see it my way
an obsolete word for if and it please you Informal spellings an, an', 'n
(usually pl) an additional matter or problem: ifs, ands, or buts
Usage note
The use of and instead of to after try and wait is typical of spoken language, but should be avoided in any writing which is not informal: We must try to prevent (not try and prevent) this happening
Word Origin
Old English and; related to Old Frisian anda, Old Saxon ande, Old High German anti, Sanskrit atha


Andorra (international car registration)
Word Origin and History for and

Old English and, ond, originally meaning "thereupon, next," from Proto-Germanic *unda (cf. Old Saxon endi, Old Frisian anda, Middle Dutch ende, Old High German enti, German und, Old Norse enn), from PIE *en; cognate with Latin ante, Greek anti (see ante). Phrase and how as an exclamation of emphatic agreement dates from early 1900s.

Slang definitions & phrases for and



The second of two items that normally go together (Lunch counter) •''Coffee and'' means ''coffee and doughnuts,'' ''ham and'' means ''ham and eggs,'' etc

and in Technology

(Or "conjunction") The Boolean function which is true only if all its arguments are true. The truth table for the two argument AND function is:
A | B | A AND B --+---+--------- F | F | F F | T | F T | F | F T | T | T
AND is often written as an inverted "V" in texts on logic. In the C programming language it is represented by the && (logical and) operator.

Related Abbreviations for and


  1. Andorra (international vehicle ID)
  2. Andromeda