
[kon-suh n-trey-shuh n] /ˌkɒn sənˈtreɪ ʃən/
the act of concentrating; the state of being concentrated.
exclusive attention to one object; close mental application.
something concentrated:
a concentration of stars.
  1. the assembling of military or naval forces in a particular area in preparation for further operations.
  2. a specified intensity and duration of artillery fire placed on a small area.
the focusing of a student's academic program on advanced study in a specific subject or field.
Chemistry. (in a solution) a measure of the amount of dissolved substance contained per unit of volume.
Also called memory. Cards. a game in which all 52 cards are spread out face down on the table and each player in turn exposes two cards at a time and replaces them face down if they do not constitute a pair, the object being to take the most pairs by remembering the location of the cards previously exposed.
1625-35; concentr(ic) + -ation
Related forms
hyperconcentration, noun
nonconcentration, noun
overconcentration, noun
preconcentration, noun
Examples from the web for concentration
  • He understood that he was still weak, but his intense spiritual concentration gave him strength and self-confidence.
  • Cursive is slow, and it requires too much concentration on the shape of the printed letter.
  • Interruptions by technology often break concentration and allow for too much dependence on outside sources for ideas.
  • Technology is taking away our privacy and our concentration, but it is also taking away our ability to be alone.
  • Try a totally new physical activity that requires focus, concentration, and balance.
  • He never regained his concentration, and the poem remains an evocative fragment.
  • The fuzzy appearance is due to the high concentration of ordinary stars of similar brightness scattered throughout the galaxy.
  • The recommendation culminates a decade of debate among scientists trying to decide what concentration is safe to drink.
  • According to the report, changes in glucose concentration induce color shifts across the visible range.
  • The participants then had to indicate at what concentration they could detect taste.
British Dictionary definitions for concentration


intense mental application; complete attention
the act or process of concentrating
something that is concentrated
the strength of a solution, esp the amount of dissolved substance in a given volume of solvent, usually expressed in moles per cubic metre or cubic decimetre (litre) c
the process of increasing the concentration of a solution
  1. the act of bringing together military forces
  2. the application of fire from a number of weapons against a target
(economics) the degree to which the output or employment in an industry is accounted for by only a few firms
another name (esp US) for Pelmanism
Word Origin and History for concentration

1630s, "action of bringing to a center," noun of action from verb concentrate (v.). Meaning "a mass so collected" is from 1670s; "continuous focus of mental activity" is from 1846.

concentration in Medicine

concentration con·cen·tra·tion (kŏn'sən-trā'shən)

  1. An increase of the strength of a pharmaceutical preparation by the extraction, precipitation, and drying of its crude active agent.

  2. An increase in the strength of a fluid or gas in a mixture by purification, evaporation, or diffusion.

  3. The amount of a specified substance in a unit amount of another substance.

concentration in Science
The amount of a particular substance in a given amount of another substance, especially a solution or mixture.