
[ang-kuh l] /ˈæŋ kəl/
(in humans) the joint between the foot and the leg, in which movement occurs in two planes.
the corresponding joint in a quadruped or bird; hock.
the slender part of the leg above the foot.
before 1000; Middle English ankel, enkel (cognate with Middle Low German, Dutch enkel, Old High German anchal, enchil, Old Norse ǫkkul); Middle English anclowe, Old English anclēow(e) (cognate with Middle Low German anclef, Dutch anklāw, Old High German anchlāo)
Examples from the web for ankle
  • Players wear hightop sneakers that provide extra ankle support.
  • The bones of the wrist and ankle are short bones, as are the sesamoid bones.
British Dictionary definitions for ankle


the joint connecting the leg and the foot See talus1
the part of the leg just above the foot
Word Origin
C14: from Old Norse; related to German, Dutch enkel, Latin angulusangle1
Word Origin and History for ankle

Old English ancleow "ankle," from PIE root *ang-/*ank- "to bend" (see angle (n.)). The modern form seems to have been influenced by Old Norse ökkla or Old Frisian ankel, which are immediately from the Proto-Germanic form of the root (cf. Middle High German anke "joint," German Enke "ankle"); the second element in the Old English, Old Norse and Old Frisian forms perhaps suggests claw (cf. Dutch anklaauw), or it may be from influence of cneow "knee," or it may be diminutive suffix -el. Middle English writers distinguished inner ankle projection (hel of the ancle) from the outer (utter or utward).

ankle in Medicine

ankle an·kle (āng'kəl)

  1. The joint between the leg and foot in which the tibia and fibula articulate with the talus.

  2. The region of the ankle joint.

  3. The anklebone.

Slang definitions & phrases for ankle



To walk: I ankled over to the bar

Related Terms

beaten down to the ankles

[perhaps in part from angle, cited fr 1890s in sense of ''to walk'']

Encyclopedia Article for ankle

ankle joint

in humans, hinge-type, freely moving synovial joint between the foot and leg. The ankle contains seven tarsal bones that articulate (connect) with each other, with the metatarsal bones of the foot, and with the bones of the lower leg. The articulation of one of the tarsal bones, the ankle bone (talus, or astragalus), with the fibula and tibia of the lower leg forms the actual ankle joint, although the general region is often called the ankle. The chief motions of the ankle are flexion and extension. Like other synovial joints (those joints in which fluid is present), the ankle is subject to such diseases and injuries as bursitis and synovitis.

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