
[tooz-dey, -dee, tyooz-] /ˈtuz deɪ, -di, ˈtyuz-/
the third day of the week, following Monday.
before 1050; Middle English tewesday, Old English tīwesdæg (cognate with Old High German zīestac, Old Norse tȳsdagr), orig. phrase Tīwes daeg Tiu's day, translating Latin diēs Mārtis day of Mars. See Tiu, 's1, day
Pronunciation note
See new.
Examples from the web for Tuesday
  • The celebrations run three days culminating in a carnival parade on fat Tuesday.
British Dictionary definitions for Tuesday


/ˈtjuːzdɪ; -deɪ/
the third day of the week; second day of the working week
Word Origin
Old English tīwesdæg, literally: day of Tiw, representing Latin diēs Martis day of Mars; compare Old Norse tӯsdagr, Old High German zīostag; see Tiu, day
Word Origin and History for Tuesday

Old English Tiwesdæg, from Tiwes, genitive of Tiw "Tiu," from Proto-Germanic *Tiwaz "god of the sky," differentiated specifically as Tiu, ancient Germanic god of war, from PIE root *dyeu- "to shine" (see diurnal). Cf. Old Norse tysdagr, Swedish tisdag, Old High German ziestag.

The day name (second element dæg, see day) is a translation of Latin dies Martis (cf. Italian martedi, French Mardi) "Day of Mars," from the Roman god of war, who was identified with Germanic Tiw (though etymologically Tiw is related to Zeus), itself a loan-translation of Greek Areos hemera. In cognate German Dienstag and Dutch Dinsdag, the first element would appear to be Germanic ding, þing "public assembly," but it is now thought to be from Thinxus, one of the names of the war-god in Latin inscriptions.