
[noo, nyoo] /nu, nyu/
adjective, newer, newest.
of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being:
a new book.
of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time; novel:
a new concept of the universe.
having but lately or but now come into knowledge:
a new chemical element.
unfamiliar or strange (often followed by to):
ideas new to us; to visit new lands.
having but lately come to a place, position, status, etc.:
a reception for our new minister.
unaccustomed (usually followed by to):
people new to such work.
coming or occurring afresh; further; additional:
new gains.
fresh or unused:
to start a new sheet of paper.
(of physical or moral qualities) different and better:
The vacation made a new man of him.
other than the former or the old:
a new era; in the New World.
being the later or latest of two or more things of the same kind:
the New Testament; a new edition of Shakespeare.
(initial capital letter) (of a language) in its latest known period, especially as a living language at the present time:
New High German.
recently or lately (usually used in combination):
The valley was green with new-planted crops.
freshly; anew or afresh (often used in combination):
roses new washed with dew; new-mown hay.
something that is new; a new object, quality, condition, etc.:
Ring out the old, ring in the new.
before 900; Middle English newe (adj., adv., and noun), Old English nēowe, nīewe, nīwe (adj. and adv.); cognate with Dutch nieuw, German neu, Old Norse nȳr, Gothic niujis, Old Irish núe, Welsh newydd, Greek neîos; akin to Latin novus, OCS novŭ, Greek néos, Sanskrit navas
Related forms
newness, noun
quasi-new, adjective
quasi-newly, adverb
unnew, adjective
unnewness, noun
Can be confused
gnu, knew, new.
Synonym Study
New, fresh, novel describe things that have not existed or have not been known or seen before. New refers to something recently made, grown, or built, or recently found, invented, or discovered: a new car; new techniques. Fresh refers to something that has retained its original properties, or has not been affected by use or the passage of time: fresh strawberries; fresh ideas. Novel refers to something new that has an unexpected, strange, or striking quality, generally pleasing: a novel experience.
Pronunciation note
Following the alveolar consonants [t] /t/ (Show IPA) [d] /d/ and [n] /n/ two main types of pronunciation occur for the “long” vowel represented by the spellings u, ue, discontinuous u...e, and ew, as in student, due, nude, and new. In the North and North Midland U.S. [oo] /u/ immediately follows the alveolar consonant: [stood-nt] /ˈstud nt/ [doo] /du/ [nood] /nud/ and [noo] /nu/ . In the South Midland and Southern U.S., pronunciations of the type [styood-nt] /ˈstyud nt/ [dyoo] /dyu/ [nyood] /nyud/ and [nyoo] /nyu/ predominate. Both these types are traceable to England, as well as some less common ones, for example, those in which the high front vowel [i] /ɪ/ substitutes for the [y] /y/ . A belief that the [yoo] /yu/ pronunciations are more prestigious sometimes leads to hypercorrection, the insertion of the y sound where historically it does not belong, leading to such pronunciations as [nyoon] /nyun/ for noon. Currently in the United States, a [y] /y/ following [s] /s/ [z] /z/ [th] /θ/ and [l] /l/ as in sue [syoo] /syu/ resume [ri-zyoom] /rɪˈzyum/ enthusiasm [en-thyoo-see-az-uh m] /ɛnˈθyu siˌæz əm/ and illusion [ih-lyoo-zhuh n] /ɪˈlyu ʒən/ is used by some speakers, but is considered affected by others.
Examples from the web for new
  • new refinancing activity and additional sales could help to strengthen the economic recovery.
  • Students should share and discuss their notes and ideas with their new groups.
  • Scientists are discovering new species all the time.
  • Head four hours in any direction and it's a wild new world.
  • With this new generation, a new fashion had come in.
  • Bad language could be good for you, a new study shows.
  • Six papers posted online present new satellite snapshots of the earliest light in the universe.
  • The collection includes work from eight past books and 16 new poems.
  • We are open to all new gamers and there friends.
  • Astronomers have detected two new moons around Uranus.
British Dictionary definitions for new


  1. recently made or brought into being: a new dress, our new baby
  2. (as collective noun; preceded by the): the new
of a kind never before existing; novel: a new concept in marketing
having existed before but only recently discovered: a new comet
markedly different from what was before: the new liberalism
fresh and unused; not second-hand: a new car
(prenominal) having just or recently become: a new bride
often foll by to or at. recently introduced (to); inexperienced (in) or unaccustomed (to): new to this neighbourhood
(capital in names or titles) more or most recent of two or more things with the same name: the New Testament
(prenominal) fresh; additional: I'll send some new troops
(often foll by to) unknown; novel: this is new to me
(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again: a new year
(prenominal) (of crops) harvested early: new carrots
changed, esp for the better: she returned a new woman from her holiday
up-to-date; fashionable
(capital when part of a name; prenominal) being the most recent, usually living, form of a language: New High German
the new, the new vogue: comedy is the new rock'n'roll
turn over a new leaf, to reform; make a fresh start
adverb (usually in combination)
recently, freshly: new-laid eggs
anew; again
See also news
prefix neo-
Derived Forms
newness, noun
Word Origin
Old English nīowe; related to Gothic niujis, Old Norse naujas, Latin novus
Word Origin and History for new

Old English neowe, niowe, earlier niwe "new, fresh, recent, novel, unheard-of, different from the old; untried, inexperienced," from Proto-Germanic *newjaz (cf. Old Saxon niuwi, Old Frisian nie, Middle Dutch nieuwe, Dutch nieuw, Old High German niuwl, German neu, Danish and Swedish ny, Gothic niujis "new"), from PIE *newo- "new" (cf. Sanskrit navah, Persian nau, Hittite newash, Greek neos, Lithuanian naujas, Old Church Slavonic novu, Russian novyi, Latin novus, Old Irish nue, Welsh newydd "new").

The adverb is Old English niwe, from the adjective. New math in reference to a system of teaching mathematics based on investigation and discovery is from 1958. New World (adj.) to designate phenomena of the Western Hemisphere first attested 1823, in Lord Byron; the noun phrase is recorded from 1550s. New Deal in the FDR sense attested by 1932. New school in reference to the more advanced or liberal faction of something is from 1806. New Left (1960) was a coinage of U.S. political sociologist C. Wright Mills (1916-1962). New light in reference to religions is from 1640s. New frontier, in U.S. politics, "reform and social betterment," is from 1934 but associated with John F. Kennedy's use of it in 1960.

Slang definitions & phrases for new


Related Terms

what else is new

Idioms and Phrases with new