
[rap-suh-dee] /ˈræp sə di/
noun, plural rhapsodies.
Music. an instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation.
an ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm.
an epic poem, or a part of such a poem, as a book of the Iliad, suitable for recitation at one time.
a similar piece of modern literature.
an unusually intense or irregular poem or piece of prose.
Archaic. a miscellaneous collection; jumble.
1535-45; < Latin rhapsōdia < Greek rhapsōidía recital of epic poetry, equivalent to rhapsōid(ós) rhapsodist + -ia -y3
Examples from the web for rhapsody
  • Dear alan, my rhapsody in chalk was inspired by it alone.
  • rhapsody over brotherhood--or sisterhood--was more suspect, than ever.
British Dictionary definitions for rhapsody


noun (pl) -dies
(music) a composition free in structure and highly emotional in character
an expression of ecstatic enthusiasm
(in ancient Greece) an epic poem or part of an epic recited by a rhapsodist
a literary work composed in an intense or exalted style
rapturous delight or ecstasy
(obsolete) a medley
Word Origin
C16: via Latin from Greek rhapsōidia, from rhaptein to sew together + ōidē song
Word Origin and History for rhapsody

1540s, "epic poem," from Middle French rhapsodie, from Latin rhapsodia, from Greek rhapsoidia "verse composition, recitation of epic poetry; a book, a lay, a canto," from rhapsodos "reciter of epic poems," literally "one who stitches or strings songs together," from rhaptein "to stitch, sew, weave" (see wrap (v.)) + oide "song" (see ode). Meaning "exalted enthusiastic feeling or expression" is from 1630s. Meaning "sprightly musical composition" is first recorded 1850s.

rhapsody in Technology
operating system
Apple Computer, Inc.'s next-generation operating system for PowerPC processor-based systems capable of running Mac OS. Rhapsody includes four components: the Core OS, the Blue Box (the implementation of the Mac OS within Rhapsody), the Yellow Box, and the Advanced Mac Look and Feel.
"Rhapsody for Intel" runs on Intel processors [which ones?]. It includes the Core OS, the Yellow Box, and the Advanced Mac Look and Feel, but lacks the Blue Box and therefore is unable to run Mac OS software.
"Rhapsody Developer Release" is a developer-only release of Rhapsody, scheduled for release in late 1997. It will go to all members of the Macintosh Developer Program and the Apple Media Program worldwide who have signed nondisclosure agreements.
"Rhapsody Premier Release" will be the second release of Rhapsody, scheduled for early 1998. It is meant for early adopters and will include a partially finished human interface and a partial implementation of the Blue Box.
"Rhapsody Unified Release" will be the third release, scheduled for mid-1998. It will be the first public release, and it will include the first full implementation of the Rhapsody human interface and the Blue Box.
FAQ (https://devworld.euro.apple.com/rhapsody/faqsec1.html).