wise guy

Informal. a cocksure, conceited, and often insolent person; smart aleck:
He has a reputation for being a wise guy.
Also called wiseacre.
1895-1900, Americanism
Related forms
wise-guy, adjective
British Dictionary definitions for wiseguy

wise guy

(informal) a person who is given to making conceited, sardonic, or insolent comments
(US) a member of the Mafia
Slang definitions & phrases for wiseguy


noun phrase
  1. (also wise apple)A person who is ostentatiously and smugly knowing; smart aleck, smart-ass: My little brother is an irrepressible wise guy (1896+)
  2. (also wise hombre)A shrewd and knowing person; a person who is ''wised up'': The wise guys said Frank didn't stand a chance (1896+)
  3. A professional criminal, esp a mob member: The wiseguys like places they're known/ Hanging out at a neighborhood restaurant in the Italian section of Queens, the first thing he learned is that the wiseguys never talk about what they do (1970s+ Underworld)

Idioms and Phrases with wiseguy

wise guy

An obnoxious know-it-all, a person who makes sarcastic or annoying remarks, as in the teacher was delighted that the worst wise guy in the class was moving out of town. [ ; second half of 1800s ]
Also see: smart aleck