
[wee-nee] /ˈwi ni/
Informal. a wiener.
Slang. penis.
Slang. an insignificant, disliked person.
Also, weeny, wienie.
wien(er) + -ie; (def 3) probably influenced by or continuous with weeny small child, noun use of weeny tiny (see wee, teeny-weeny)
Word Origin and History for weenie

"frankfurter," 1906, with slang sense of "penis" following soon after, from German wienerwurst "Vienna sausage" (see wiener). Meaning "ineffectual person" is 1963; pejorative sense via penis shape, or perhaps from weenie in the sense of "small" (see wee).

Slang definitions & phrases for weenie



: You'd never know that weenie voice belonged to a gorilla

  1. (also wiener or weener) A frankfurter; hot dog: this wienie and kraut combination (1911+)
  2. (also wiener or weener) The penis; esp, the relaxed penis
  3. (also weeniehead or weiner-head) An ineffectual, despised person; jerk, wimp: She plans to be a weenie, is a weenie, asks to be loved anyway, and is loved anyway/ Anybody who zips their coat when the temperature is higher than zero is an automatic weenie (1960s+)
  4. (also ween) A very serious student; Greasy Grind, throat: Premeds known to their less pressurized campus colleagues as throats and weenies/ Weens are strange creatures with pallid faces, glassy eyes, and calculators strapped to their belts (1970s+ College students)
Related Terms

play hide the weenie

[fr German Wienerwurst, ''Vienna sausage,'' with pejorative senses developing fr its penile shape]

weenie in Technology

1. [on BBSes] Any of a species of luser resembling a less amusing version of BIFF that infests many BBSes. The typical weenie is a teenage boy with poor social skills travelling under a grandiose handle derived from fantasy or heavy-metal rock lyrics. Among sysops, "the weenie problem" refers to the marginally literate and profanity-laden flamage weenies tend to spew all over a newly-discovered BBS.
Compare spod, computer geek, terminal junkie.
2. Among hackers, when used with a qualifier (for example, as in Unix weenie, VMS weenie, IBM weenie) this can be either an insult or a term of praise, depending on context, tone of voice, and whether or not it is applied by a person who considers him or herself to be the same sort of weenie. It implies that the weenie has put a major investment of time, effort and concentration into the area indicated; whether this is good or bad depends on the hearer's judgment of how the speaker feels about that area. See also bigot.
3. The semicolon character, ";" (ASCII 59).