
[viz-i-ter] /ˈvɪz ɪ tər/
a person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like.
1400-50; late Middle English visitour < Anglo-French; Old French visiteor < Late Latin vīsitātor, equivalent to Latin vīsitā(re) to visit + -tor -tor
Related forms
previsitor, noun
Visitor, caller, guest, visitant are terms for a person who comes to spend time with or stay with others, or in a place. A visitor often stays some time, for social pleasure, for business, sightseeing, etc.: a visitor at our neighbor's house. A caller comes for a brief (usually) formal visit: The caller merely left her card. A guest is anyone receiving hospitality, and the word has been extended to include anyone who pays for meals and lodging: a welcome guest; a hotel guest. Visitant applies especially to a migratory bird or to a supernatural being: a warbler as a visitant.
Examples from the web for visitor
  • Every visitor feels impelled to linger, and is loath to go.
  • But the sociologists and the casual visitor have not disappeared.
  • He is the depressed visitor of the sick, who must needs beware, and be provided with preservatives.
  • No visitor succeeds in leaving the building to-day without seeing a great shield which hangs on the wall of the dining hall.
  • The doctor put on his coat and pointed his visitor to the jointed chair in which patients were sometimes examined.
  • The butler made no bones about admitting this new visitor.
  • Whether seasonal visitor or resident hasn't been conclusively established they have been spotted here in all four seasons.
  • But the newfound visitor is the brightest asteroid, and consequently among the largest, to draw so near in the past year.
  • The visitor's chairs in the waiting rooms, the floors, even the walls.
  • The pine-and-juniper campground is near the national monument's visitor center.
British Dictionary definitions for visitor


a person who pays a visit; caller, guest, tourist, etc
another name for visitant (sense 4)
Word Origin and History for visitor

early 15c., from visit + -or. Sports sense is from 1900.

Slang definitions & phrases for visitor

visit from Flo


The menstrual period (1980+)