
[vid-ee-oh] /ˈvɪd iˌoʊ/
  1. the elements of television, as in a program or script, pertaining to the transmission or reception of the image (distinguished from audio).
  2. the video part of a television broadcast.
Informal. videotape.
Informal. television:
She is a star of stage and video.
a program, movie, or the like, that is available commercially on videocassette.
of or pertaining to the electronic apparatus for producing the television picture:
video amplifier.
of or pertaining to television, especially the visual elements.
of or pertaining to videocassettes, videocassette recorders, music video, etc.:
a video shop.
pertaining to or employed in the transmission or reception of television pictures.
1930-35; < Latin vidē(re) to see + -o as in audio
Examples from the web for video
  • Tennis has had a historically important, if sometimes forgotten, role in the history of video games.
  • Click here to view an uncaptioned version of this video.
  • We are in the process of correcting the video and will post an updated version shortly.
  • Watch the above video to see the stark differences between the museum of old and today's stunning transformation.
  • To get a crash course in a neurological research technique that uses light to manipulate brain cells, watch this video.
  • After you import a video, you play the video and add captions as needed.
  • Watch breathtaking video of animals at their wildest.
  • Go ahead, give the video below a spin-pun fully intended.
  • The charges were later dropped when the video showed that the police version of events was false.
  • No longer must people go to a cinema or a video shop if they want to see a popular film.
British Dictionary definitions for video


relating to or employed in the transmission or reception of a televised image
of, concerned with, or operating at video frequencies
noun (pl) -os
the visual elements of a television broadcast
a film recorded on a video cassette
(US) an informal name for television
verb videos, videoing, videoed
to record (a television programme, etc) on a video cassette recorder
Compare audio
Word Origin
C20: from Latin vidēre to see, on the model of audio
Word Origin and History for video
adj., n., pref.

1935, as visual equivalent of audio, from Latin video "I see," first person singular present indicative of videre "to see" (see vision). video game is from 1973.

video in Technology
Moving images stored as a sequence of static images (called "frames") representing snapshots of the scene, taken at regularly spaced time intervals, e.g 50 frames per second. Apart from the frame rate, other important properties of a video are the resolution and colour depth of the individual images.
Video data is typically stored and transmitted in a format that includes synchoronised sound.
The many file formats in use for video differ chiefly in the type of compression used. Compression is even more important for video that for static images due to the large amount of data involved in even a short video. Furthermore, compression allows video to be transmitted via a channel whose bandwidth is less than the raw data rate implied by the resolution and frame rate. This allows the recipient to start displaying the video before the transmission is complete, a process known as streaming.