
[vek-ter] /ˈvɛk tər/
  1. a quantity possessing both magnitude and direction, represented by an arrow the direction of which indicates the direction of the quantity and the length of which is proportional to the magnitude.
    Compare scalar (def 4).
  2. such a quantity with the additional requirement that such quantities obey the parallelogram law of addition.
  3. such a quantity with the additional requirement that such quantities are to transform in a particular way under changes of the coordinate system.
  4. any generalization of the above quantities.
the direction or course followed by an airplane, missile, or the like.
  1. an insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc.
  2. any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter, as a virus or plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment into a host cell.
Computers. an array of data ordered such that individual items can be located with a single index or subscript.
verb (used with object)
Aeronautics. to guide (an aircraft) in flight by issuing appropriate headings.
Aerospace. to change direction of (the thrust of a jet or rocket engine) in order to steer the craft.
1695-1705; < Latin: one that conveys, equivalent to vec-, variant stem of vehere to carry + -tor -tor
Related forms
[vek-tawr-ee-uh l, -tohr-] /vɛkˈtɔr i əl, -ˈtoʊr-/ (Show IPA),
vectorially, adverb
Examples from the web for vectors
  • Human interaction with mosquitoes must take into account the tremendous human suffering that these disease vectors cause.
  • Insects as vectors of disease-typhus, malaria, yellow fever.
  • By putting humans in close contact with animals, domestication also created vectors for the diseases that shaped society.
  • Inertia, momentum, vectors and parabolas are as much a part of the game as helmets and huddles.
  • There are a good many factors that come into play when one is talking about infection vectors.
  • Security isn't about eliminating vectors it is about managing risks to the business.
  • Mathematically velocity is described by vectors which have both magnitude and direction.
  • We use viruses that have been gutted of all their viral genes and use them as vectors.
  • The conversion from time stamps to celestial vectors would require only standard astronomical tables and simple geometry.
  • There are subtle differences between the behavior of spinors and vectors under coordinate rotations.
British Dictionary definitions for vectors


(maths) Also called polar vector. a variable quantity, such as force, that has magnitude and direction and can be resolved into components that are odd functions of the coordinates. It is represented in print by a bold italic symbol: F or ̄F Compare pseudoscalar, pseudovector, scalar (sense 1), tensor (sense 2)
(maths) an element of a vector space
(pathol) Also called carrier. an organism, esp an insect, that carries a disease-producing microorganism from one host to another, either within or on the surface of its body
(genetics) Also called cloning vector. an agent, such as a bacteriophage or a plasmid, by means of which a fragment of foreign DNA is inserted into a host cell to produce a gene clone in genetic engineering
the course or compass direction of an aircraft
any behavioural influence, force, or drive
verb (transitive)
to direct or guide (a pilot, aircraft, etc) by directions transmitted by radio
to alter the direction of (the thrust of a jet engine) as a means of steering an aircraft
Derived Forms
vectorial (vɛkˈtɔːrɪəl) adjective
vectorially, adverb
Word Origin
C18: from Latin: carrier, from vehere to convey
Word Origin and History for vectors



"quantity having magnitude and direction," 1704, from Latin vector "one who carries or conveys, carrier," from past participle stem of vehere "carry, convey" (see vehicle).

vectors in Medicine

vector vec·tor (věk'tər)

  1. An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another.

  2. A bacteriophage, a plasmid, or another agent that transfers genetic material from one location to another.

  3. A quantity, such as velocity, completely specified by a magnitude and a direction.

vectors in Science
  1. A quantity, such as the velocity of an object or the force acting on an object, that has both magnitude and direction. Compare scalar.

  2. An organism, such as a mosquito or tick, that spreads pathogens from one host to another.

  3. A bacteriophage, plasmid, or other agent that transfers genetic material from one cell to another.

vectors in Culture

vector definition

In physics and mathematics, any quantity with both a magnitude and a direction. For example, velocity is a vector because it describes both how fast something is moving and in what direction it is moving. Because velocity is a vector, other quantities in which velocity is a factor, such as acceleration and momentum, are vectors also.