
[suh-fish-uh nt] /səˈfɪʃ ənt/
adequate for the purpose; enough:
sufficient proof; sufficient protection.
Logic. (of a condition) such that its existence leads to the occurrence of a given event or the existence of a given thing.
Compare necessary (def 4c).
Archaic. competent.
1350-1400; Middle English < Latin sufficient- (stem of sufficiēns), present participle of sufficere to suffice, equivalent to suf- suf- + -fici-, present stem of -ficere, combining form of facere to make, do1 + -ent- -ent
Related forms
sufficiently, adverb
oversufficient, adjective
oversufficiently, adverb
presufficient, adjective
presufficiently, adverb
quasi-sufficient, adjective
quasi-sufficiently, adverb
supersufficient, adjective
supersufficiently, adverb
1. meager, scant, inadequate.
Examples from the web for sufficient
  • None of these points are discussed in detail or backed up with sufficient evidence.
  • The government should make sufficient efforts to rehabilitate these local people, villagers, tribes from these forests.
  • To cross it and then to come right back-that would be entirely sufficient, would satisfy my inexplicable yet acute hunger.
  • The stimulus alone, as it stands now, won't be sufficient to counter that fall.
  • The virus alone may not be sufficient to cause the bee dropoff.
  • During the three-week expedition, the group has little contact with the outside world and must be totally self-sufficient.
  • As a result, their pups did not have time to put on sufficient weight to hibernate successfully and are now starving.
  • After reaching a sufficient concentration, the samples will be tested to determine which strains of flu viruses are present.
  • However technically sufficient the images may have been, they don't actually mean anything to anyone.
  • Each is a self-sufficient unit, as are many of the brigades.
British Dictionary definitions for sufficient


enough to meet a need or purpose; adequate
(logic) (of a condition) assuring the truth of a statement; requiring but not necessarily required by some other state of affairs Compare necessary (sense 3e)
(archaic) competent; capable
a sufficient quantity
Derived Forms
sufficiently, adverb
Word Origin
C14: from Latin sufficiens supplying the needs of, from sufficere to suffice
Word Origin and History for sufficient

early 14c., from Old French sufficient, from Latin sufficiens, present participle of sufficere (see suffice).