storage device

a device used to store digital data or information, as a hard disk or CD.
Examples from the web for storage devices
  • The government seized, among other items, several computers and storage devices containing digital information.
  • These two units featured a magnetic storage devices, making them among the first machines to provide word processing capability.
  • Not so the storage devices-the disks or tapes on which you store information when the machine is turned off.
  • Engineers make progress toward new green fuels and energy storage devices.
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic storage devices which are a ton cheaper than batteries.
  • Batteries, aka electrical storage devices, are one area of technology that has not had the huge leaps of other areas.
  • Batteries and other storage devices do not compare well with liquid biofuels in terms of energy density.
  • For makers of computers, storage devices and high-speed networks, that is grim news.
  • All will eventually fill with silt and become functionally useless as water storage devices.
  • Since digitized books occupy no shelf space they can remain in print and in stock as long as digital storage devices survive.
British Dictionary definitions for storage devices

storage device

a piece of computer equipment, such as a magnetic tape, disk, etc, in or on which data and instructions can be stored, usually in binary form
storage devices in Science
storage device
A hardware device, such as a CD-ROM or hard disk in a computer, used to record and store data.