
[stawnch, stanch, stahnch] /stɔntʃ, stæntʃ, stɑntʃ/
verb (used with object)
to stop the flow of (a liquid, especially blood).
to stop the flow of blood or other liquid from (a wound, leak, etc.).
Archaic. to check, allay, or extinguish.
verb (used without object)
to stop flowing, as blood; be stanched.
Also called flash-lock, navigation weir. a lock that, after being partially emptied, is opened suddenly to send a boat over a shallow place with a rush of water.
Also, staunch.
1275-1325; Middle English stanchen, staunchen (v.) < Old French estanchier to close, stop, slake (thirst) < Vulgar Latin *stanticāre, equivalent to Latin stant- (stem of stāns, present participle of stāre to stand) + -icāre causative suffix
Related forms
stanchable, adjective
stancher, noun
unstanchable, adjective


[stawnch, stahnch, stanch] /stɔntʃ, stɑntʃ, stæntʃ/
adjective, stancher, stanchest.
staunch2 .
Related forms
stanchly, adverb
stanchness, noun
Examples from the web for stanch
  • Fletcher was a stanch supporter of the colonial aristocracy, and bitterly opposed to the popular party.
  • Concerned colleges try to stanch flow of cheap beer.
  • The official response to the violence was more than an attempt to stanch the blood-letting in a struggling old industrial city.
  • His immediate challenge is to stanch the flow of oil.
  • Similar tactics have helped to stanch the flow of readers from quality papers.
  • Capital controls and even travel restrictions would be needed to stanch the bleeding of money from the economy.
  • The government has moved aggressively, and on several fronts, to stanch the immediate damage.
  • The idea was that by raising animals that met such standards, small local farmers might stanch the loss of ancestral lands.
  • Some contrarians say concerns about exotic pathogens are overblown, that it's no use devoting resources to stanch an epidemic.
  • None of these programs can be set up quickly enough help stanch the outflow of jobs.
British Dictionary definitions for stanch


to stem the flow of (a liquid, esp blood) or (of a liquid) to stop flowing
to prevent the flow of a liquid, esp blood, from (a hole, wound, etc)
an archaic word for assuage
a primitive form of lock in which boats are carried over shallow parts of a river in a rush of water released by the lock
Derived Forms
stanchable, staunchable, adjective
stancher, stauncher, noun
Word Origin
C14: from Old French estanchier, from Vulgar Latin stanticāre (unattested) to cause to stand, from Latin stāre to stand, halt
Word Origin and History for stanch

"to stop the flow of" (especially of blood), c.1300, from Old French estanchier "cause to cease flowing, stop, hinder," from Vulgar Latin *stancare, perhaps contracted from *stagnicare, from Latin stagnum "pond, pool" (see stagnate).