programming language

a high-level language used to write computer programs, as COBOL or BASIC, or, sometimes, an assembly language.
Examples from the web for programming language
  • We were even taught the rudiments of a brand new programming language that would soon take the world by storm.
  • Processing is a programming language created for designers and artists.
  • One was to imitate digital computers and create a programming language that would input the proper information.
  • The school offers a new course in the company's programming language.
  • It's not every day that someone tries to add a new programming language to the web.
  • R is a programming language designed for statistics and it has emerged as the primary statistical research tool.
  • Last week, the research group unveiled a programming language designed to make developing complex programs far simpler.
  • The first is a language add-on type which adds instrument-specific functions to an existing programming language.
British Dictionary definitions for programming language

programming language

a simple language system designed to facilitate the writing of computer programs See high-level language, low-level language, machine code
programming language in Science
programming language
An artificial language used to write instructions that can be translated into machine language and then executed by a computer. English and other natural languages are not used as programming languages because they cannot be easily translated into machine language. ◇ A compiled language is a language in which the set of instructions (or code) written by the programmer is converted into machine language by special software called a compilerprior to being executed. C++ and SmallTalk are examples of compiled languages. ◇ An interpreted language is a language in which the set of instructions (or code) written by the programmer is converted into machine language by special software called a compilerprior to being executed. Most scripting and macro languages are interpreted languages. See also program.
programming language in Culture

programming language definition

In computer technology, a set of conventions in which instructions for the machine are written. There are many languages that allow humans to communicate with computers; C++, BASIC, and Java are some common ones.

programming language in Technology
A formal language in which computer programs are written. The definition of a particular language consists of both syntax (how the various symbols of the language may be combined) and semantics (the meaning of the language constructs).
Languages are classified as low level if they are close to machine code and high level if each language statement corresponds to many machine code instructions (though this could also apply to a low level language with extensive use of macros, in which case it would be debatable whether it still counted as low level). A roughly parallel classification is the description as first generation language through to fifth generation language.
The other major classification of languages distinguishes between imperative languages, procedural language and declarative languages.
Programming languages time-line/family tree (