
[pruh-see-jer] /prəˈsi dʒər/
an act or a manner of proceeding in any action or process; conduct.
a particular course or mode of action.
any given mode of conducting legal, parliamentary, or other business, especially litigation and judicial proceedings.
  1. the sequence of actions or instructions to be followed in solving a problem or accomplishing a task.
  2. Also called subprogram. a group of statements that may be used at one or more points in a computer program.
1605-15; < French procédure. See proceed, -ure
1. management. 2. operation, maneuver, transaction. See process.
Examples from the web for procedures
  • They argued that experimental drugs and procedures were not covered by their policies because they had not been deemed effective.
  • Knowledge of budget preparation and accounting principles and procedures.
  • The root problem, in my opinion, about airport security is the whole concept of vigilance through procedures.
  • Presidential candidates must address unneeded medical technology and procedures as part of health care reform.
  • Inside my home, sterilization procedures are used on all utensils.
  • The whole process is a series of procedures targeted to one end product, beer.
  • The military has long-standing procedures in place for designing and executing aerial missions.
  • Spokesmen for the hospital have provided only sketchy details of these procedures.
  • Principals and procedures related to technical aspects of grant project.
  • Such ministerial fiats have questionable legal authority and procedures for monitoring and ensuring compliance are often opaque.
British Dictionary definitions for procedures


a way of acting or progressing in a course of action, esp an established method
the established mode or form of conducting the business of a legislature, the enforcement of a legal right, etc
(computing) another name for subroutine
Derived Forms
procedural, adjective
procedurally, adverb
Word Origin and History for procedures



1610s, "fact or manner of proceeding," from French procédure "manner of proceeding" (c.1200), from Old French proceder "to proceed" (see proceed). Meaning "method of conducting business in Parliament" is from 1839.

procedures in Medicine

procedure pro·ce·dure (prə-sē'jər)

  1. A series of steps taken to accomplish an end.

  2. A surgical operation or technique.