
[pop-yuh-ler-lee] /ˈpɒp yə lər li/
by the people as a whole; generally; widely:
a fictitious story popularly accepted as true.
for popular taste; for the general masses of people:
He writes popularly on many subjects.
1570-80; popular + -ly
Related forms
nonpopularly, adverb
overpopularly, adverb
quasi-popularly, adverb
semipopularly, adverb
Examples from the web for popularly
  • Also popularly called tarts, even though not open either.
  • Various things were popularly suggested to take the place of quinine and other medicines.
  • Others have also written with much facility, but more commendably perchance if they had not written so much nor so popularly.
  • Dating to roughly the third century, it is popularly accepted as the oldest church ever discovered.
  • Pronghorns, popularly called antelope, will race anything-including helicopters.
  • Forty years ago it was popularly believed that humans would routinely work and live underwater.
  • In the scientific literature, the term eidetic imagery comes closest to what is popularly called photographic memory.
  • The use of cannabis is popularly know to promote relaxation.
  • Thermoelectric coolers are popularly used in portable picnic coolers and cooling car seats.
  • That's why it is popularly said that water and water filters are two inseparable parts of every human being's life.
British Dictionary definitions for popularly


by the public as a whole; generally or widely
usually; commonly: his full name is Robert, but he is popularly known as Bob
in a popular manner