
[pan-uh-ram-uh, -rah-muh] /ˌpæn əˈræm ə, -ˈrɑ mə/
an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions.
an extended pictorial representation or a cyclorama of a landscape or other scene, often exhibited a part at a time and made to pass continuously before the spectators.
a building for exhibiting such a pictorial representation.
a continuously passing or changing scene or an unfolding of events:
the panorama of Chinese history.
a comprehensive survey, as of a subject.
1790-1800; pan- + Greek (h)órāma view, sight, derivative of horân to see, look
Related forms
panoramic, adjective
panoramicaly, adverb
1. scene, vista, prospect.
Examples from the web for panoramic
  • How to create a panoramic photo from a series of photos.
  • Surely economics, with its panoramic view of the business world, could provide answers.
  • The panoramic view it offers could make it popular for hidden cameras or medical scopes in the future.
  • Our favorite winter dining destinations take us back onto the mountain and serve panoramic views with the main course.
  • panoramic views of the inaugural ceremony and parade.
  • The country's military endeavours are marked by memorials of panoramic extravagance.
  • Funky decor and panoramic views from its wraparound balcony.
  • Then he used software to compile those microphotographs into a high-resolution color digital panoramic view of the yellow band.
  • panoramic views from the terraces, as well as extensive caves, which you can make an appointment to tour.
  • Supersized panoramic photos of cities are the flavor of the season.
British Dictionary definitions for panoramic


an extensive unbroken view, as of a landscape, in all directions
a wide or comprehensive survey: a panorama of the week's events
a large extended picture or series of pictures of a scene, unrolled before spectators a part at a time so as to appear continuous
another name for cyclorama
Derived Forms
panoramic (ˌpænəˈræmɪk) adjective
panoramically, adverb
Word Origin
C18: from pan- + Greek horāma view
Word Origin and History for panoramic

1813; see panorama + -ic. Panoramic camera is attested from 1878.



1796, "a painting on a revolving cylindrical surface," coined c.1789 by inventor, Irish artist Robert Barker, literally "a complete view," from pan- "all" + Greek horama "sight, spectacle, that which is seen," from horan "to look, see" (see warrant (n.)). Meaning "comprehensive survey" is 1801.