ordered pair

Mathematics. two quantities written in such a way as to indicate that one quantity precedes or is to be considered before the other, as (3, 4) indicates the Cartesian coordinates of a point in the plane.
Examples from the web for ordered pair
  • Students should also be able to add and subtract integers to each ordered pair to discover the new ordered pair.
  • Plots the location of an ordered pair in the first quadrant.
  • The combination of events and may be called a composite event, denoted by the ordered pair.
  • Now give them ordered pairs and tell them to rewrite the first ordered pair as red and the second as blue with colored pencils.
  • The student matches an ordered pair to the linear equation and/or graph that contains the ordered pair.
  • Identify the quadrant in which an ordered pair is positioned by examining the ordered pair.
Contemporary definitions for ordered pair

in mathematics, a pair of distinct elements or two ordered numbers, often used to match numbers in relations or functions