
[oh-mish-uh n] /oʊˈmɪʃ ən/
the act of omitting.
the state of being omitted.
something left out, not done, or neglected:
an important omission in a report.
1350-1400; Middle English < Late Latin omissiōn- (stem of omissiō), equivalent to omiss(us) (past participle of omittere to let go; see omit) + -iōn- -ion; see mission
Related forms
nonomission, noun
preomission, noun
Can be confused
commission, omission.
Examples from the web for omission
  • However, this seems to be a major omission given the plant's location.
  • Whatever may be thought of the omission of the first paper, that of the second is surely an error.
  • Some enterprising publisher should remedy this omission.
  • While presumably an attempt at levity, such an omission does a disservice to these significant years.
  • There were moments of excess and errors of omission.
  • Lying about people is uncivil, even if you do it by omission and implication.
  • Not that that necessarily negates anything, but the omission of a link to the source research doesn't help with credibility.
  • The omission of this factor may skew the importance of environmental causes.
  • The omission reverses her meaning to make it sound as if their philosophy is hers.
  • The lack of solid statistical evidence for the number of civilian casualties is one egregious omission.
British Dictionary definitions for omission


something that has been omitted or neglected
the act of omitting or the state of having been omitted
Derived Forms
omissive, adjective
omissiveness, noun
Word Origin
C14: from Latin omissiō, from omittere to omit
Word Origin and History for omission

late 14c., from Latin omissionem (nominative omissio) "an omitting," noun of action from past participle stem of omittere (see omit). Related: Omissible.