
[nooz-groop, nyooz‐] /ˈnuzˌgrup, ˈnyuz‐/
a discussion group on a specific topic that is maintained on a computer network, especially the Internet:
cooking newsgroups.
Examples from the web for newsgroup
  • If you send a message to a newsgroup, it is shared with everybody else who logs on to the newsgroup.
  • There is a newsgroup for nearly any subject you can think of, from brewing coffees to building sailboats.
  • Anyone accessing the newsgroup can read the postings, take copies of posted items, or post responses.
  • Large newsgroup dedicated to discussing topics and issues related to television commercials.
British Dictionary definitions for newsgroup


(computing) a forum where subscribers exchange information about a specific subject by electronic mail
Word Origin and History for newsgroup

by 1985, from news (n.) + group (n.).

newsgroup in Technology
One of Usenet's huge collection of topic groups or fora. Usenet groups can be "unmoderated" (anyone can post) or "moderated" (submissions are automatically directed to a moderator, who edits or filters and then posts the results). Some newsgroups have parallel mailing lists for Internet people with no netnews access, with postings to the group automatically propagated to the list and vice versa. Some moderated groups (especially those which are actually gatewayed Internet mailing lists) are distributed as "digests", with groups of postings periodically collected into a single large posting with an index.
Among the best-known are comp.lang.c (the C-language forum), comp.arch (on computer architectures), comp.Unix.wizards (for Unix wizards), rec.arts.sf-lovers (for science-fiction fans), and talk.politics.misc (miscellaneous political discussions and flamage).
Barry Shein is alleged to have said, "Remember the good old days when you could read all the group names in one day?" This gives a good idea of the growth and size of Usenet.
See also netiquette.
[Jargon File]