
[muhngk] /mʌŋk/
(in Christianity) a man who has withdrawn from the world for religious reasons, especially as a member of an order of cenobites living according to a particular rule and under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
(in any religion) a man who is a member of a monastic order:
a Buddhist monk.
Printing. a dark area on a printed page caused by uneven inking of the plate or type.
Compare friar (def 2).
before 900; Middle English; Old English munuc < Late Latin monachus < Greek monachós hermit, noun use of adj.: solitary, equivalent to món(os) alone + -achos adj. suffix
1. brother. Monk, friar refer to members of special male groups whose lives are devoted to the service of the church, especially in Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox denominations. A monk is properly a member of a monastery, under a superior; he is bound by a vow of stability, and is a co-owner of the community property of the monastery. Since the Reformation, monk and friar have been used as if they were the same. A friar is, however, strictly speaking, a member of a mendicant order, whose members are not attached to a monastery and own no community property.


[muhngk] /mʌŋk/
(James) Arthur ("Art") born 1957, U.S. football player.
[thuh-loh-nee-uh s] /θəˈloʊ ni əs/ (Show IPA),
(Sphere) 1917–1982, U.S. jazz pianist and composer.
George, Monck, George.
Examples from the web for monk
  • Jin learns all of this from a monk upon visiting the abandoned dojo.
  • monk and the astronaut is an episode of the usa network series monk.
  • He says he came to pick flowers, but monk is sure he was looking for something.
  • monk and the actor, in where the case was going to be displayed as a film.
  • The monk affirms, and then realizes he has already received the teaching.
  • On the tv series monk, the climactic scene of the episode mr.
  • monk and the blackout, parodies the climactic scene in the film.
  • Whether the monk was killed with the others has not been specifically established.
  • The monk, who hid watching all of this, uses it to balk prosecution.
  • The monk blesses the water and splashes some of it at the dark parts of the cave.
British Dictionary definitions for monk


a male member of a religious community bound by vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience related adjective monastic
(sometimes capital) a fancy pigeon having a bald pate and often large feathered feet
Word Origin
Old English munuc, from Late Latin monachus, from Late Greek: solitary (man), from Greek monos alone


Thelonious (Sphere) (θəˈləʊnɪəs). 1920–82, US jazz pianist and composer
a variant spelling of (George) Monck
Word Origin and History for monk

Old English munuc "monk" (used also of women), from Proto-Germanic *muniko- (cf. Old Frisian munek, Middle Dutch monic, Old High German munih, Ger. Mönch), an early borrowing from Vulgar Latin *monicus (source of French moine, Spanish monje, Italian monaco), from Late Latin monachus "monk," originally "religious hermit," from Ecclesiastical Greek monakhos "monk," noun use of a classical Greek adjective meaning "solitary," from monos "alone" (see mono-). For substitution of -o- for -u-, see come.

In England, before the Reformation, the term was not applied to the members of the mendicant orders, who were always called friars. From the 16th c. to the 19th c., however, it was usual to speak of the friars as a class of monks. In recent times the distinction between the terms has been carefully observed by well-informed writers. In French and Ger. the equivalent of monk is applied equally to 'monks' and 'friars.' [OED]

Slang definitions & phrases for monk


  1. A monkey (1843+)
  2. A Chinese or Chinese-American: known to their Occidental neighbors, the Irish especially, as monks (1925+)

Encyclopedia Article for monk

man who separates himself from society and lives either alone (a hermit or anchorite) or in an organized community in order to devote himself full time to religious life. See monasticism.

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