
[lou-zee] /ˈlaʊ zi/
adjective, lousier, lousiest.
infested with lice.
  1. mean or contemptible:
    That was a lousy thing to do.
  2. wretchedly bad; miserable:
    a lousy job; I feel lousy.
lousy with, Slang. well supplied with or filled with, often to excess: Our city is lousy with bad drivers.
I wish I were lousy with money like my boss.
1350-1400; Middle English lousi. See louse, -y1
Related forms
lousily, adverb
lousiness, noun
2a. shabby, nasty, crummy.
Examples from the web for lousy
  • If you have great publications but lousy teaching, you'll still get tenure.
  • In fact, if you really want to understand what it means to be alive, humans are a lousy choice.
  • If you've got lousy credit, be careful where you buy your car.
  • It's no secret that this is a lousy time to try to sell your business.
  • Yet our recipe for achieving that is an anti-intellectual witches' brew of lousy values.
  • Yields on short-term investments such as money-market funds and bank deposits are lousy.
  • The effect would have been as though a lousy cosmic golfer tore up a giant chunk of turf and sent it hurtling into orbit.
  • The moral of this story: half-truths doth lousy coffin-nails make.
  • Type-A personalities will revel in the organizational potential of this expandable roller, lousy with pockets and compartments.
  • People want to stop these lousy dictators from looting their countries.
British Dictionary definitions for lousy


adjective lousier, lousiest
(slang) very mean or unpleasant: a lousy thing to do
(slang) inferior or bad: this is a lousy film
infested with lice
(foll by with) (slang)
  1. provided with an excessive amount (of): he's lousy with money
  2. full of or teeming with
Derived Forms
lousily, adverb
lousiness, noun
Word Origin and History for lousy

mid-14c., lousi, "infested with lice," from louse + -y (2). Figurative use as a generic adjective of abuse dates from late 14c.; sense of "swarming with" (money, etc.) is American English slang from 1843. Related: Lousiness.

Slang definitions & phrases for lousy



Bad; nasty; crummy: Crab was all she ever did. What a lousy sport/ Yuh lousy boob (1690+)


: I did pretty lousy on that test