
[let-er-kwol-i-tee] /ˈlɛt ərˌkwɒl ɪ ti/
(of computer printers and their output) pertaining to an appearance equal in legibility and resolution to copy typed on an electric typewriter:
A letter-quality printer produces sharper copy than a dot-matrix model.
Examples from the web for letter-quality
  • If eyes other than your own are going to see the things you print, you're foolish to get anything except a letter-quality printer.
  • Forms must be printed with a letter-quality printer on archival paper.
  • Manuscripts should be printed letter-quality on standard white bond paper.
  • For this reason, the use of non-letter-quality printers is discouraged.
  • The appeal letter can be no longer than five single-spaced pages, using only letter-quality print.