
[left] /lɛft/
of, pertaining to, or located on or near the side of a person or thing that is turned toward the west when the subject is facing north (opposed to right).
(often initial capital letter) of or belonging to the political Left; having liberal or radical views in politics.
Mathematics. pertaining to an element of a set that has a given property when written on the left of an element or set of elements of the set:
a left identity, as 1 in 1 ⋅ x = x.
the left side or something that is on the left side.
a turn toward the left:
Make a left at the next corner.
the Left.
  1. the complex of individuals or organized groups advocating liberal reform or revolutionary change in the social, political, or economic order.
  2. the position held by these people.
    Compare right (def 33a, b).
  3. left wing.
(usually initial capital letter) Government.
  1. the part of a legislative assembly, especially in continental Europe, that is situated on the left side of the presiding officer and that is customarily assigned to members of the legislature who hold more radical and socialistic views than the rest of the members.
  2. the members of such an assembly who sit on the left.
Boxing. a blow delivered by the left hand.
Baseball. left field (def 1).
toward the left:
She moved left on entering the room.
1125-75; 1935-40 for def 6; Middle English left, lift, luft, Old English left idle, weak, useless, Kentish form of lyft- (in lyftādl palsy); cognate with Dutch, Low German lucht; akin to Middle English libbe (modern dial. lib) to castrate, cognate with Dutch, Low German lubben


[left] /lɛft/
simple past tense and past participle of leave1 .
get left,
  1. to be left stranded.
  2. to miss an opportunity, objective, etc.


[leev] /liv/
verb (used with object), left, leaving.
to go out of or away from, as a place:
to leave the house.
to depart from permanently; quit:
to leave a job.
to let remain or have remaining behind after going, disappearing, ceasing, etc.:
I left my wallet home. The wound left a scar.
to allow to remain in the same place, condition, etc.:
Is there any coffee left?
to let stay or be as specified:
to leave a door unlocked.
to let (a person or animal) remain in a position to do something without interference:
We left him to his work.
to let (a thing) remain for action or decision:
We left the details to the lawyer.
to give in charge; deposit; entrust:
Leave the package with the receptionist. I left my name and phone number.
to stop; cease; give up:
He left music to study law.
to disregard; neglect:
We will leave this for the moment and concentrate on the major problem.
to give for use after one's death or departure:
to leave all one's money to charity.
to have remaining after death:
He leaves a wife and three children.
to have as a remainder after subtraction:
2 from 4 leaves 2.
Nonstandard. let1 (defs 1, 2, 6).
verb (used without object), left, leaving.
to go away, depart, or set out:
We leave for Europe tomorrow.
Verb phrases
leave alone. alone (def 7).
leave off,
  1. to desist from; cease; stop; abandon.
  2. to stop using or wearing:
    It had stopped raining, so we left off our coats.
  3. to omit:
    to leave a name off a list.
leave out, to omit; exclude:
She left out an important detail in her account.
before 900; Middle English leven, Old English lǣfan (causative formation from base of lāf remainder; see lave2); cognate with Old High German leiban (compare German bleiben to remain), Old Norse leifa, Gothic -laibjan
Related forms
leaver, noun
1, 2. abandon, forsake, desert; relinquish. 9. forbear, renounce. 10. ignore, forget. 11. bequeath, will; devise, transmit.
1, 2. join.
Usage note
Leave is interchangeable with let when followed by alone with the sense “to refrain from annoying or interfering with”: Leave (or Let) her alone and she will solve the problem easily. When he was left (or let) alone without interruptions, the boy quickly assembled the apparatus. The use of leave alone for let alone in the sense “not to mention” is nonstandard: There wasn't any standing room, let (not leave) alone a seat, so I missed the performance.
Other substitutions of leave for let are generally regarded as nonstandard: Let (not Leave) us sit down and talk this over. Let (not Leave) her do it her own way. The police wouldn't let (not leave) us cross the barriers. See also let1.


[leev] /liv/
verb (used without object), leaved, leaving.
to put forth leaves; leaf.
1250-1300; Middle English leven, derivative of lef leaf
Examples from the web for left
  • My pain may start on the left side of the neck, traveling down further left to surround the heart.
  • When the researchers stimulate the left side, the fish turn to the left.
  • When you see the right side of the left photo next to the left side of the right photo, it looks lopsided in comparison.
  • Portion of the side of the church can be seen on the left side of the photograph.
  • If the obstacle is to your left, the motors on the left side of the belt will vibrate.
  • The brain's language center is located in the left side of the brain, which controls the right side of the body.
  • On the left side, the vagus enters the thorax between the left carotid and subclavian arteries, behind the left innominate vein.
  • And thou must ride at his left side as shield on shoulder rides.
  • People are saying her left side is paralyzed, and she knows they are wrong.
  • The left side of her face-purple, red, and swollen-had clearly taken a thumping.
British Dictionary definitions for left


(usually prenominal) of or designating the side of something or someone that faces west when the front is turned towards the north
(usually prenominal) worn on a left hand, foot, etc
(sometimes capital) of or relating to the political or intellectual left
(sometimes capital) radical or progressive, esp as compared to less radical or progressive groups, persons, etc
on or in the direction of the left
a left side, direction, position, area, or part related adjectives sinister sinistral
(often capital) the supporters or advocates of varying degrees of social, political, or economic change, reform, or revolution designed to promote the greater freedom, power, welfare, or comfort of the common people
to the left, radical in the methods, principles, etc, employed in striving to achieve such change
  1. a blow with the left hand
  2. the left hand
Word Origin
Old English left idle, weak, variant of lyft- (in lyftādl palsy, literally: left-disease); related to Middle Dutch lucht left


the past tense and past participle of leave1


verb (mainly transitive) leaves, leaving, left
(also intransitive) to go or depart (from a person or place)
to cause to remain behind, often by mistake, in a place: he often leaves his keys in his coat
to cause to be or remain in a specified state: paying the bill left him penniless
to renounce or abandon: to leave a political movement
to refrain from consuming or doing something: the things we have left undone
to result in; cause: childhood problems often leave emotional scars
to allow to be or remain subject to another person or thing: leave the past to look after itself
to entrust or commit: leave the shopping to her
to submit in place of one's personal appearance: will you leave your name and address?
to pass in a specified direction: flying out of the country, we left the cliffs on our left
to be survived by (members of one's family): he leaves a wife and two children
to bequeath or devise: he left his investments to his children
(transitive) to have as a remainder: 37 – 14 leaves 23
(not standard) to permit; let
(informal) leave be, to leave undisturbed
(not standard) leave go, leave hold of, to stop holding
(informal) leave it at that, to take a matter no further
leave much to be desired, to be very unsatisfactory
leave someone alone
  1. Also let alone See let1 (sense 7)
  2. to permit to stay or be alone
leave someone to himself, not to control or direct someone
Derived Forms
leaver, noun
Word Origin
Old English lǣfan; related to belīfan to be left as a remainder


permission to do something: he was granted leave to speak
by your leave, with your leave, with your permission
permission to be absent, as from a place of work or duty: leave of absence
the duration of such absence: ten days' leave
a farewell or departure (esp in the phrase take (one's) leave)
on leave, officially excused from work or duty
take leave, to say farewell (to)
take leave of one's senses, to go mad or become irrational
Word Origin
Old English lēaf; related to alӯfan to permit, Middle High German loube permission


verb leaves, leaving, leaved
(intransitive) to produce or grow leaves
Word Origin and History for left

c.1200, from Kentish and northern English form of Old English lyft- "weak, foolish" (cf. lyft-adl "lameness, paralysis," East Frisian luf, Dutch dialectal loof "weak, worthless"). It emerged 13c. as "opposite of right" (the left being usually the weaker hand), a derived sense also found in cognate Middle Dutch and Low German luchter, luft. But German link, Dutch linker "left" are from Old High German slinc and Middle Dutch slink "left," related to Old English slincan "crawl," Swedish linka "limp," slinka "dangle."

Replaced Old English winestra, literally "friendlier," a euphemism used superstitiously to avoid invoking the unlucky forces connected with the left side (see sinister). The Kentish word itself may have been originally a taboo replacement, if instead it represents PIE root *laiwo-, meaning "considered conspicuous" (represented in Greek laios, Latin laevus, and Russian levyi). Greek also uses a euphemism for "left," aristeros "the better one" (cf. also Avestan vairyastara- "to the left," from vairya- "desirable"). But Lithuanian kairys "left" and Lettish kreilis "left hand" derive from a root that yields words for "twisted, crooked."

As an adverb from early 14c. As a noun from c.1200. Political sense arose from members of a legislative body assigned to the left side of a chamber, first attested in English 1837 (by Carlyle, in reference to the French Revolution), probably a loan-translation of French la gauche (1791), said to have originated during the seating of the French National Assembly in 1789 in which the nobility took the seats on the President's right and left the Third Estate to sit on the left. Became general in U.S. and British political speech c.1900.

Used since at least c.1600 in various senses of "irregular, illicit;" earlier proverbial sense was "opposite of what is expressed" (mid-15c.). Phrase out in left field "out of touch with pertinent realities" is attested from 1944, from the baseball fielding position that tends to be far removed from the play. To have two left feet "be clumsy" is attested by 1902. The Left Bank of Paris (left bank of the River Seine, as you face downstream) has been associated with intellectual and artistic culture since at least 1893.


past tense and past participle of leave (v.).



Old English læfan "to let remain; remain; have left; bequeath," from Proto-Germanic *laibijan (cf. Old Frisian leva "to leave," Old Saxon farlebid "left over"), causative of *liban "remain," (cf. Old English belifan, German bleiben, Gothic bileiban "to remain"), from root *laf- "remnant, what remains," from PIE *leip- "to stick, adhere;" also "fat."

The Germanic root has only the sense "remain, continue," which also is in Greek lipares "persevering, importunate." But this usually is regarded as a development from the primary PIE sense of "adhere, be sticky" (cf. Lithuanian lipti, Old Church Slavonic lipet "to adhere," Greek lipos "grease," Sanskrit rip-/lip- "to smear, adhere to." Seemingly contradictory meaning of "depart" (early 13c.) comes from notion of "to leave behind" (as in to leave the earth "to die;" to leave the field "retreat").


"permission," Old English leafe "leave, permission, license," dative and accusative of leaf "permission," from West Germanic *lauba (cf. Old Norse leyfi "permission," Old Saxon orlof, Old Frisian orlof, German Urlaub "leave of absence"), from PIE *leubh- "to care, desire, love, approve" (see love (n.)). Cognate with Old English lief "dear," the original idea being "approval resulting from pleasure." Cf. love, believe. In military sense, it is attested from 1771.

Slang definitions & phrases for left


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hang a left


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french leave

Idioms and Phrases with left