
[hat] /hæt/
a shaped covering for the head, usually with a crown and brim, especially for wear outdoors.
Roman Catholic Church.
  1. the distinctive head covering of a cardinal.
  2. the office or dignity of a cardinal.
    Compare red hat.
verb (used with object), hatted, hatting.
to provide with a hat; put a hat on.
hat in hand, humbly; respectfully:
He approached the boss, hat in hand.
pass the hat, to ask for contributions of money, as for charity; take up a collection:
The lodge members passed the hat to send underprivileged children to summer camp.
take off one's hat to, to express high regard for; praise:
We took off our hats to their courage and daring.
talk through one's hat, to speak without knowing the facts; make unsupported or incorrect statements:
He is talking through his hat when he says he'll make the team.
throw / toss one's hat in / into the ring, to become a participant in a contest, especially to declare one's candidacy for political office:
His friends are urging him to throw his hat in the ring.
under one's hat, confidential; private; secret:
I'll tell you the real story, but keep it under your hat.
wear two / several hats, to function in more than one capacity; fill two or more positions:
He wears two hats, serving as the company's comptroller as well as its chief executive officer.
before 900; Middle English; Old English hætt; cognate with Old Norse hǫttr hood; akin to hood1
Related forms
hatless, adjective
hatlessness, noun
hatlike, adjective
Examples from the web for hat
  • In windy areas, a stiff gale can knock a flat hat off a cowboy's head, so he may prefer the steadier taco hat.
  • They protect their head with the hat from the bad spirits.
  • His head is crowned with a top hat, his face graying and sick with nerves.
  • They're more of a head ornament, which is sort of a modern hat.
  • My grandfather, for some reason, wore a hat to meals.
  • The hat with the fake bottom, which conceals a rabbit.
  • If your coat does not have a hood, then a hat is essential.
  • It might be alluring, but a rare flower hat jelly's lilac-tipped fringe can deliver a painful sting.
  • His eyes light up as he's describing something, even though to him it may be old hat.
  • They all have their own reasons for not officially throwing their hat into the ring.
British Dictionary definitions for hat


  1. any of various head coverings, esp one with a brim and a shaped crown
  2. (in combination): hatrack
(informal) a role or capacity
at the drop of a hat, without hesitation or delay
(informal) I'll eat my hat, I will be greatly surprised if (something that proves me wrong) happens: I'll eat my hat if this book comes out late
hat in hand, humbly or servilely
keep something under one's hat, to keep something secret
(interjection) (Brit, informal) my hat
  1. my word! my goodness!
  2. nonsense!
old hat, something stale or old-fashioned
out of a hat
  1. as if by magic
  2. at random
pass the hat round, send the hat round, to collect money, as for a cause
take off one's hat to, to admire or congratulate
talk through one's hat
  1. to talk foolishly
  2. to deceive or bluff
(Irish) throw one's hat at it, to give up all hope of getting or achieving something: you can throw your hat at it now
throw one's hat in the ring, toss one's hat in the ring, to announce one's intentions to be a candidate or contestant
verb hats, hatting, hatted
(transitive) to supply (a person, etc) with a hat or put a hat on (someone)
Derived Forms
hatless, adjective
hatlike, adjective
Word Origin
Old English hætt; related to Old Norse höttr cap, Latin cassis helmet; see hood1
Word Origin and History for hat

Old English hæt "hat, head covering," from Proto-Germanic *hattuz "hood, cowl" (cf. Frisian hat, Old Norse hattr), from PIE root *kadh- "cover, protect" (cf. Lithuanian kudas "tuft or crest of a bird," Latin cassis "helmet"). Now, "head covering with a more or less horizontal brim." To throw one's hat in the ring was originally (1847) to take up a challenge in prize-fighting. To eat one's hat is said to have been originally To eat Old Rowley's [Charles II's] hat.

Slang definitions & phrases for hat
hat in Technology

A common (spoken) name for the circumflex ("^", ASCII 94) character.
See ASCII for other synonyms.
[Jargon File]

hat in the Bible

Chald. karb'ela, (Dan. 3:21), properly mantle or pallium. The Revised Version renders it "tunic."

Idioms and Phrases with hat