[jif or, sometimes, gif] /dʒɪf or, sometimes, gɪf/
a set of standards and file format for storage of digital color images and short animations.
a file or image stored in this format.
verb (used with object), GIFFed or giffed, GIFFing or giffing.
to create a static or animated GIF from (an image or set of images):
She GIFFed her favorite actor having a good laugh and posted it on her blog.
Also, gif.
Pronunciation note
It is understandable that computer users who encounter this acronym for the first time might well assume that since the “G” stands for “graphic,” gif should similarly be pronounced with an initial hard g, as in go and give. However, the inventor of the format, Steve Wilhite, has insisted from its introduction at a computer conference in the late 1980s that the pronunciation is [jif] /dʒɪf/ (Show IPA) with an initial soft g, as in gelatin and giant. That pronunciation is even part of the official specifications for the format and is the one used by many computer gurus, but both pronunciations are commonly in use.
British Dictionary definitions for GIF


noun (computing)
  1. a standard compressed file format used for pictures
  2. a picture held in this format
Word Origin
C20: from g(raphic) i(nterchange) f(ormat)
Word Origin and History for GIF



1987, acronym from Graphics Interchange Format.

GIF in Technology
Related Abbreviations for GIF


graphics interchange format