
[froot] /frut/
noun, plural fruits (especially collectively) fruit.
any product of plant growth useful to humans or animals.
the developed ovary of a seed plant with its contents and accessory parts, as the pea pod, nut, tomato, or pineapple.
the edible part of a plant developed from a flower, with any accessory tissues, as the peach, mulberry, or banana.
the spores and accessory organs of ferns, mosses, fungi, algae, or lichen.
anything produced or accruing; product, result, or effect; return or profit:
the fruits of one's labors.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a male homosexual.
verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
to bear or cause to bear fruit:
a tree that fruits in late summer; careful pruning that sometimes fruits a tree.
1125-75; Middle English < Old French < Latin frūctus enjoyment, profit, fruit, equivalent to frūg-, variant stem of fruī to enjoy the produce of + -tus suffix of v. action
Related forms
fruitlike, adjective
Examples from the web for fruit
  • Many of these deciduous kinds offer a bonus of edible fruit.
  • Some cultures use almost every part of the tree from the leaves to the water inside of the coconut fruit.
  • As a result, she can collect the fruit in this situation.
  • The leaves and stems are poisonous, but the fruit is eminently edible.
  • Now the team is showing abundant fruit from its labor.
  • There is a huge gleaming copper still occupying part of the space, where he is now producing fine fruit brandies.
  • Depending on how you make it, a smoothie can end up with more milk and yogurt than fruit.
  • During many summer days, all the fruit flies needed for experiments die from the heat.
  • And this trend is due, he says, to the exhaustion of the supply of low-hanging economic fruit.
  • They were robbed at knifepoint and had to live off fruit trees.
British Dictionary definitions for fruit


(botany) the ripened ovary of a flowering plant, containing one or more seeds. It may be dry, as in the poppy, or fleshy, as in the peach
any fleshy part of a plant, other than the above structure, that supports the seeds and is edible, such as the strawberry
the specialized spore-producing structure of plants that do not bear seeds
any plant product useful to man, including grain, vegetables, etc
(often pl) the result or consequence of an action or effort
(Brit, old-fashioned, slang) chap; fellow: used as a term of address
(slang, mainly Brit) a person considered to be eccentric or insane
(slang, mainly US & Canadian) a male homosexual
(archaic) offspring of man or animals; progeny
to bear or cause to bear fruit
Derived Forms
fruitlike, adjective
Word Origin
C12: from Old French, from Latin frūctus enjoyment, profit, fruit, from frūī to enjoy
Word Origin and History for fruit

late 12c., from Old French fruit "fruit, fruit eaten as dessert; harvest; virtuous action" (12c.), from Latin fructus "an enjoyment, delight, satisfaction; proceeds, produce, fruit, crops," from frug-, stem of frui "to use, enjoy," from PIE *bhrug- "agricultural produce," also "to enjoy" (see brook (v.)).

Classical sense preserved in fruits of one's labor. Originally in English meaning vegetables as well. Modern narrower sense is from early 13c. Meaning "odd person, eccentric" is from 1910; that of "male homosexual" is from 1935. The term also is noted in 1931 as tramp slang for "a girl or woman willing to oblige," probably from the fact of being "easy picking." Fruit salad recorded from 1861.

fruit in Science
The ripened ovary of a flowering plant that contains the seeds, sometimes fused with other parts of the plant. Fruits can be dry or fleshy. Berries, nuts, grains, pods, and drupes are fruits. ◇ Fruits that consist of ripened ovaries alone, such as the tomato and pea pod, are called true fruits. ◇ Fruits that consist of ripened ovaries and other parts such as the receptacle or bracts, as in the apple, are called accessory fruits or false fruits. See also aggregate fruit, multiple fruit, simple fruit., See Note at berry.

Our Living Language : To most of us, a fruit is a plant part that is eaten as a dessert or snack because it is sweet, but to a botanist a fruit is a mature ovary of a plant, and as such it may or may not taste sweet. All species of flowering plants produce fruits that contain seeds. A peach, for example, contains a pit that can grow into a new peach tree, while the seeds known as peas can grow into another pea vine. To a botanist, apples, peaches, peppers, tomatoes, pea pods, cucumbers, and winged maple seeds are all fruits. A vegetable is simply part of a plant that is grown primarily for food. Thus, the leaf of spinach, the root of a carrot, the flower of broccoli, and the stalk of celery are all vegetables. In everyday, nonscientific speech we make the distinction between sweet plant parts (fruits) and nonsweet plant parts (vegetables). This is why we speak of peppers and cucumbers and squash—all fruits in the eyes of a botanist—as vegetables.

fruit in Culture

fruit definition

In botany, the part of a seed-bearing plant that contains the fertilized seeds capable of generating a new plant (see fertilization). Fruit develops from the female part of the plant. Apples, peaches, tomatoes, and many other familiar foods are fruits.

Slang definitions & phrases for fruit


  1. An eccentric person; fruitcake, oddball: I'll bet we get a lot of fruits (1910+)
  2. A male homosexual; fairy (1935+)
Related Terms

hen fruit

[first sense short for fruitcake, as in ''nutty as a fruitcake'']

fruit in the Bible

a word as used in Scripture denoting produce in general, whether vegetable or animal. The Hebrews divided the fruits of the land into three classes:, (1.) The fruit of the field, "corn-fruit" (Heb. dagan); all kinds of grain and pulse. (2.) The fruit of the vine, "vintage-fruit" (Heb. tirosh); grapes, whether moist or dried. (3.) "Orchard-fruits" (Heb. yitshar), as dates, figs, citrons, etc. Injunctions concerning offerings and tithes were expressed by these Hebrew terms alone (Num. 18:12; Deut. 14:23). This word "fruit" is also used of children or offspring (Gen. 30:2; Deut. 7:13; Luke 1:42; Ps. 21:10; 132:11); also of the progeny of beasts (Deut. 28:51; Isa. 14:29). It is used metaphorically in a variety of forms (Ps. 104:13; Prov. 1:31; 11:30; 31:16; Isa. 3:10; 10:12; Matt. 3:8; 21:41; 26:29; Heb. 13:15; Rom. 7:4, 5; 15:28). The fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23; Eph. 5:9; James 3:17, 18) are those gracious dispositions and habits which the Spirit produces in those in whom he dwells and works.

Idioms and Phrases with fruit