file server

a computer that makes files available to workstations on a network.
Compare server (def 6).
Examples from the web for file server
  • For example, a file server is a computer on which users can store files.
  • They made building your own file server insanely simple.
  • The data is stored on computer disk, stored in a secure central file server.
  • The file server is on the middle shelf on the right rack.
  • Adding it to an existing system will be as easy as adding a file server.
  • On return to site, this data should be checked by anti-virus measures and stored on a file server.
  • Back up all data on your workstation and file server regularly.
British Dictionary definitions for file server

file server

(computing) the central unit of a local area network that controls its operation and provides access to separately stored data files
file server in Technology

Hardware and software that together provide file-handling and storage functions for multiple users on a local area network. The most common choices for file server software are Sun Microsystems' Network File System for Unix and Novell Netware for IBM PC compatibles. There is also a version of NFS for PCs called PC-NFS. Storing files on a file server saves having multiple copies stored on individual computers, thus economising on disk space and also makes administrating and updating the files easier.