
[ev-ree] /ˈɛv ri/
being one of a group or series taken collectively; each:
We go there every day.
all possible; the greatest possible degree of:
every prospect of success.
every bit, in every respect; completely:
This is every bit as good as she says it is.
every now and then, on occasion; from time to time:
She bakes her own bread every now and then.
Also, every once in a while, every so often.
every other, every second; every alternate:
milk deliveries every other day.
every which way, in all directions; in disorganized fashion:
I brushed against the table, and the cards fell every which way.
1125-75; Middle English every, everich, Old English ǣfre ǣlc ever each
1. See each.
Examples from the web for every
  • All year long, from every direction, surveys bombard students.
  • View every photo entered, choose your own faves, then share them with family and friends.
  • every time you open a can of tuna, an albatross dies.
  • The gadget, worn at the waist, counts every step of the wearer.
  • In a static world, that would be true, because every new factory causes extra pollution.
  • So, each and every one of you carry about a billion or so of them inside of you right now.
  • But there are a few simple techniques that ensure turning out a perfect pancake every time.
  • The goal of almost every comic is to find a comedy voice-a specific point of view that an audience can latch onto.
  • Many colleges don't have the resources to follow up on every student.
  • Unlike osmosis, it consumes no energy, and every drop of incoming water can be used for drinking.
British Dictionary definitions for every


each one (of the class specified), without exception: every child knows it
(not used with a negative) the greatest or best possible: every hope of success
each: used before a noun phrase to indicate the recurrent, intermittent, or serial nature of a thing: every third day, every now and then, every so often
(used in comparisons with as) every bit, quite; just; equally: every bit as funny as the other show
every other, each alternate; every second: every other day
every which way
  1. in all directions; everywhere: I looked every which way for you
  2. (US & Canadian) from all sides: stones coming at me every which way
Word Origin
C15 everich, from Old English ǣfre ǣlc, from ǣfreever + ǣlceach
Word Origin and History for every

early 13c., contraction of Old English æfre ælc "each of a group," literally "ever each" (Chaucer's everich), from each with ever added for emphasis, as the word is still felt to need emphasis (e.g. Modern English every last ..., every single ..., etc.).

Cf. everybody, everything, etc. The word everywhen is attested from 1843 but never caught on; neither did everyhow (1837). Slang phrase every Tom, Dick, and Harry dates from at least 1734, from common English given names.

Idioms and Phrases with every