
[ih-spesh-uh l] /ɪˈspɛʃ əl/
special; exceptional; outstanding:
of no especial importance; an especial friend.
of a particular kind, or peculiar to a particular one; particular:
your especial case.
1350-1400; Middle English < Middle French < Latin speciālis pertaining to a particular kind. See special
Related forms
especialness, noun
Usage note
See special.
Examples from the web for especial
  • It usually rewards faithful lawyers of no especial political importance with places.
  • They took especial care in reproducing illustrations.
  • The lecture was with especial reference to the influence of nature upon the folk imagination.
  • Of course it is my especial opinion formed by living in a country where some have all but other nothing.
  • No especial attention was paid to the new guest at.
  • Certainly this didn't add any especial appeal to the picture.
  • Hats may be chosen according to taste, but especial regard should be paid to what is becoming to the wearer.
British Dictionary definitions for especial


adjective (prenominal)
unusual; notable; exceptional: he paid especial attention to her that evening
applying to one person or thing in particular; not general; specific; peculiar: he had an especial dislike of relatives
Usage note
Especial and especially have a more limited use than special and specially. Special is always used in preference to especial when the sense is one of being out of the ordinary: a special lesson; he has been specially trained. Special is also used when something is referred to as being for a particular purpose: the word was specially underlined for you. Where an idea of pre-eminence or individuality is involved, either especial or special may be used: he is my especial (or special) friend; he is especially (or specially) good at his job. In informal English, however, special is usually preferred in all contexts
Word Origin
C14: from Old French, from Latin speciālis individual; see special
Word Origin and History for especial

late 14c., from Old French especial "pre-eminent, important," from Latin specialis "belonging to a particular kind or species," from species "kind" (see species).

Latin words with initial sp-, st-, sc- usually acquired an e- when borrowed by Old French. Modern French has restored the word to spécial. Originally with the same sense as special, later restricted to feelings, qualities, etc.