
[en-kohd] /ɛnˈkoʊd/
verb (used with object), encoded, encoding.
to convert (a message, information, etc.) into code.
1930-35; en-1 + code
Related forms
encodable, adjective
encodement, noun
encoder, noun
misencode, verb (used with object), misencoded, misencoding.
Examples from the web for encode
  • The computers then encode the video, converting it to a format that can be viewed within the system.
  • The end result is a brain that is much, much more than simply the sum of the nucleotides that encode a few thousand proteins.
  • Ingeniously, they encode the information and store it electronically for release on command or on some schedule.
  • Genetic technology allows genes, and thus the proteins those genes encode, to be knocked out of individual mice.
  • Covering fibres in a reflective coating allows them to be used to encode information within their vibrations.
  • The new isolate may also encode a few novel gene products whose function is, as yet, unknown.
  • The protocols used to encode and transfer e-mail messages are simple and are not owned by anyone.
  • But all cultures encode their genius in their languages, stories, and lexicons.
  • In the early days, scientists detailed how genes encode the various proteins that make up the cells in our bodies.
  • But electrons have another property, their spin, which can also be exploited to encode information.
British Dictionary definitions for encode


verb (transitive)
to convert (a message) from plain text into code
(computing) to convert (characters and symbols) into a digital form as a series of impulses Compare decode (sense 2)
to convert (an electrical signal) into a form suitable for transmission
to convert (a nerve signal) into a form that can be received by the brain
to use (a word, phrase, etc, esp of a foreign language) in the construction appropriate to it in that language
Derived Forms
encodement, noun
encoder, noun
Word Origin and History for encode

1919, from en- (1) "make, put in" + code. Computing sense is from 1955, usually shortened colloquially to code. Related: Encoded; encoding.

encode in Science
To specify the genetic code for the synthesis of a protein molecule or a part of a protein molecule.
encode in Technology

1. To convert data or some physical quantity into a given format. E.g. uuencode.
See also encoder.
2. To encrypt, to perform encryption.