
[duh-mes-tik] /dəˈmɛs tɪk/
of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family:
domestic pleasures.
devoted to home life or household affairs.
tame; domesticated.
of or pertaining to one's own or a particular country as apart from other countries:
domestic trade.
indigenous to or produced or made within one's own country; not foreign; native:
domestic goods.
a hired household servant.
something produced or manufactured in one's own country.
domestics, household items made of cloth, as sheets, towels, and tablecloths.
1515-25; < Latin domesticus, derivative of domus house (see dome); replacing domestique < Middle French
Related forms
domestically, adverb
antidomestic, adjective
antidomestically, adverb
nondomestic, adjective, noun
nondomestically, adverb
predomestic, adjective
predomestically, adverb
semidomestic, adjective
semidomestically, adverb
undomestic, adjective
undomestically, adverb
Examples from the web for domestic
  • Companies, both foreign and domestic, employ tax professionals and devote considerable resources to managing their tax affairs.
  • Ethanol is lessening our countries dependence on foreign oil and enhancing our domestic energy security.
  • He is the great champion of the control of politics, domestic and foreign, by moral considerations.
  • Then an establishment newspaper offered him a column-writing about foreign, but not domestic, affairs.
  • Four articles examine the foreign and domestic challenges posed by the present crisis.
  • The government guarantees producers a fixed price for domestic sugar and sets strict quotas and tariffs for foreign sugar.
  • The reign of terror created by false alarms, to promote domestic feud and foreign war.
  • He created his own domestic fuel source in Tennessee.
  • The growth of real income has slowed almost entirely for domestic reasons.
  • When at home, their interests are much more domestic.
British Dictionary definitions for domestic


of or involving the home or family
enjoying or accustomed to home or family life
(of an animal) bred or kept by man as a pet or for purposes such as the supply of food
of, produced in, or involving one's own country or a specific country: domestic and foreign affairs
a household servant
(informal) (esp in police use) an incident of violence in the home, esp between a man and a woman
Derived Forms
domestically, adverb
Word Origin
C16: from Old French domestique, from Latin domesticus belonging to the house, from domus house
Word Origin and History for domestic

early 15c., from Middle French domestique (14c.) and directly from Latin domesticus "belonging to the household," from domus "house," from PIE *domo-/*domu- "house, household" (cf. Sanskrit damah "house;" Avestan demana- "house;" Greek domos "house," despotes "master, lord;" Latin dominus "master of a household;" Old Church Slavonic domu, Russian dom "house;" Lithuanian dimstis "enclosed court, property;" Old English timber "building, structure"), from *dem-/*dom- "build."

It represents the usual Indo-European word for "house" (Italian, Spanish casa are from Latin casa "cottage, hut;" Germanic *hus is of obscure origin). The noun meaning "household servant" is 1530s (a sense also found in Old French domestique). Domestics, originally "articles of home manufacture," is attested from 1620s. Related: Domestically. Domestic violence is attested from 19c. as "revolution and insurrection;" 1977 as "spouse abuse, violence in the home."