
[dih-vurj, dahy-] /dɪˈvɜrdʒ, daɪ-/
verb (used without object), diverged, diverging.
to move, lie, or extend in different directions from a common point; branch off.
to differ in opinion, character, form, etc.; deviate.
Mathematics. (of a sequence, series, etc.) to have no unique limit; to have infinity as a limit.
to turn aside or deviate, as from a path, practice, or plan.
verb (used with object), diverged, diverging.
to deflect or turn aside.
1655-65; < Medieval Latin dīvergere, equivalent to Latin dī- di-2 + vergere to incline
Related forms
nondiverging, adjective
undiverging, adjective
Can be confused
digress, diverge, diverse.
1. separate, deviate, fork. 4. See deviate.
Examples from the web for diverge
  • Tell students that as part of evolution, species can converge and diverge over time.
  • Parallel beams can therefore be induced to converge or diverge.
  • But now the economy rewards specialization, so workplaces and lifestyles diverge.
  • How countries fare in terms of their rankings on the two variables can diverge considerably.
  • But even among the world's paragons of corporate virtue, reality and rhetoric diverge.
  • In order for one species to diverge into two, a population must be divided into groups that cannot interbreed.
  • Future doesn't really diverge much from the standard formula: you run, double jump, and shoot things.
  • The move comes as the strategies of the two companies continue to diverge.
  • In practice, they diverge because of statistical errors.
  • The geometry and properties of space diverge along two formulations, according to whether matter or space is dominant.
British Dictionary definitions for diverge


to separate or cause to separate and go in different directions from a point
(intransitive) to be at variance; differ: our opinions diverge
(intransitive) to deviate from a prescribed course
(intransitive) (maths) (of a series or sequence) to have no limit
Word Origin
C17: from Medieval Latin dīvergere, from Latin di-² + vergere to turn
Word Origin and History for diverge

1660s, from Modern Latin divergere "go in different directions," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + vergere "to bend, turn" (see verge (v.)). Originally a term in optics; the figurative sense is 19c. Related: Diverged; diverging.

diverge in Technology

If a series of approximations to some value get progressively further from it then the series is said to diverge.
The reduction of some term under some evaluation strategy diverges if it does not reach a normal form after a finite number of reductions.