
[dih-strib-yoo-tid] /dɪˈstrɪb yʊ tɪd/
adjective, Linguistics
(in distinctive feature analysis) characterized by relatively extensive contact or constriction between the articulating organs, as the (sh) in show in contrast to the (s) in so.
Related forms
undistributed, adjective
well-distributed, adjective


[dih-strib-yoot] /dɪˈstrɪb yut/
verb (used with object), distributed, distributing.
to divide and give out in shares; deal out; allot.
to disperse through a space or over an area; spread; scatter.
to promote, sell, and ship or deliver (an item or line of merchandise) to individual customers, especially in a specified region or area.
to pass out or deliver (mail, newspapers, etc.) to intended recipients.
to divide into distinct phases:
The process was distributed into three stages.
to divide into classes:
These plants are distributed into 22 classes.
Logic. to employ (a term) in a proposition so as to refer to all individuals denoted by the term.
Physical Chemistry. to dissolve uniformly in a solvent consisting of layers of immiscible or partially miscible substances.
  1. to roll out (ink) on the table to attain the proper consistency.
  2. to return (type) to the proper place after printing.
1400-50; late Middle English < Latin distribūtus, past participle of distribuere to divide up. See dis-1, tribute
Related forms
distributable, adjective
predistribute, verb (used with object), predistributed, predistributing.
1. assign, mete, apportion. Distribute, dispense apply to giving out something. Distribute implies apportioned, individualized giving, especially of something that is definite or limited in amount or number: The prizes were distributed among ten winners. Dispense formerly implied indiscriminate, general, and liberal giving, especially of something that was more or less indefinite or unmeasured in amount: to dispense largess. It now applies chiefly to giving according to need or deserts, from an organized and official source: to dispense medicines and food to the victims. 6. dispose, sort, arrange, categorize.
Examples from the web for distributed
  • The seeds were to be distributed to school children and planted.
  • But because of their otherwise stealthy habits, ringtails generally go unnoticed even in areas where they are widely distributed.
  • For the first time, too, it could be distributed over great distances.
  • It was divided into a number of pieces, and distributed in great form to the company.
  • As a result, so much of what is distributed about us is misinformed or distorted.
  • But there is another solution: distributed generation, or locating power systems directly at a large business user's premises.
  • From this plexus filaments are distributed to the back of the pericardium.
  • Peripherally the fibers are supposed to be distributed to the various organs supplied by the sympathetic efferent fibers.
  • The place where the almoner resides, or where alms are distributed.
  • They are thickly distributed over the anterior two-thirds of its dorsum, giving to this surface its characteristic roughness.
British Dictionary definitions for distributed


verb (transitive)
to give out in shares; dispense
to hand out or deliver: to distribute handbills
(often passive) to spread throughout a space or area: gulls are distributed along the west coast
(often passive) to divide into classes or categories; classify: these books are distributed in four main categories
(printing) to return (used type) to the correct positions in the type case
(logic) to incorporate in a distributed term of a categorial proposition
(maths, logic) to expand an expression containing two operators in such a way that the precedence of the operators is changed; for example, distributing multiplication over addition in a(b + c) yields ab + ac
(obsolete) to dispense (justice)
Derived Forms
distributable, adjective
Word Origin
C15: from Latin distribuere from dis-1 + tribuere to give
Word Origin and History for distributed



early 15c., "to deal out or apportion," from Latin distributus, past participle of distribuere "to divide, distribute" (see distribution). Related: Distributable; distributed; distributing.