
[kler-ik] /ˈklɛr ɪk/
a member of the clergy.
a member of a clerical party.
clerics, (used with a plural verb) half-sized or small-sized reading glasses worn on the nose, usually rimless or with a thin metal frame.
pertaining to the clergy; clerical.
1615-25; < Late Latin clēricus priest < Greek klērikós, equivalent to klêr(os) lot, allotment + -ikos -ic
Can be confused
Examples from the web for cleric
  • People in the business point to the practical advantages of having a company cleric.
  • The term cleric includes bishops, priests, and deacons.
British Dictionary definitions for cleric


a member of the clergy
Word Origin
C17: from Church Latin clēricus priest, clerk
Word Origin and History for cleric

1620s (also in early use as an adjective), from Church Latin clericus "clergyman, priest," noun use of adjective meaning "priestly, belonging to the clerus;" from Ecclesiastical Greek klerikos "pertaining to an inheritance," but in Greek Christian jargon by 2c., "of the clergy, belonging to the clergy," as opposed to the laity; from kleros "a lot, allotment; piece of land; heritage, inheritance," originally "a shard or wood chip used in casting lots," related to klan "to break" (see clastic).

Kleros was used by early Greek Christians for matters relating to ministry, based on Deut. xviii:2 reference to Levites as temple assistants: "Therefore shall they have no inheritance among their brethren: the Lord is their inheritance," kleros being used as a translation of Hebrew nahalah "inheritance, lot." Or else it is from the use of the word in Acts i:17. A word taken up in English after clerk (n.) shifted to its modern meaning.