
[kan-uh-bis] /ˈkæn ə bɪs/
the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa.
the flowering tops of the plant.
any of the various parts of the plant from which hashish, marijuana, bhang, and similar mildly euphorogenic and hallucinogenic drugs are prepared.
1790-1800; < Neo-Latin, Latin: hemp < Greek kánnabis; cognate with hemp
Related forms
cannabic, adjective
Examples from the web for cannabis
  • Discover facts about cannabis and the medical marijuana industry.
  • Both were charged with possession of cannabis after police allegedly discovered marijuana.
  • For those who wonder about the sort of relief provided, its logo-a cannabis leaf-is a clue.
  • The project also has a plot of cannabis that manages to stand out even among all the other green plants.
  • cannabis composition determines effects on the brain.
  • Scientists look at the effects of cannabis and nutritional supplements on fertility.
  • But no statistics, no acknowledgment of the results from that largest studies on cannabis and driving.
  • Mentioning pain relief without mentioning cannabis in this context is nothing short of perverse.
  • cannabis has been used for centuries to help relieve pain.
  • Yet the vast majority of cannabis users do not graduate to these more dangerous drugs.
British Dictionary definitions for cannabis


the hemp plant, esp Indian hemp (Cannabis indica) See hemp
the drug obtained from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, which is smoked or chewed for its psychoactive properties. It produces euphoria and relaxation; repeated use may lead to psychological dependence See also cannabin, hashish, marijuana, bhang
Derived Forms
cannabic, adjective
Word Origin
C18: from Latin, from Greek kannabis; see hemp
Word Origin and History for cannabis

1798, "common hemp," from Cannabis, Modern Latin plant genus named (1728), from Greek kannabis "hemp," a Scythian or Thracian word. Also source of Armenian kanap', Albanian kanep, Russian konoplja, Persian kanab, Lithuanian kanapes "hemp," and English canvas and possibly hemp. In reference to use of the plant parts as an intoxicant, from 1848. Related: Cannabic.

cannabis in Medicine

cannabis can·na·bis (kān'ə-bĭs)
Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as hashish or marijuana, prepared from various parts of the hemp plant.